Asgardian team

NiwixNiwix Member Posts: 28
Hi, what do You guys think i should do
I've got
5* Thor Rag 3/55
5* Angela 3/55
5* Korg 2/35
4* Korg 5/50
4* Loki 5/50
4* Hela 4/40

And just pulled

4* Hulk rag

Only Loki is awakened.

How would You see perfect team from that roaster?
I'd like to Up them all as high ass posiible but who is not worth it?
Maybe i need some diff champ to have perfect SQ team? How split them into AW teams defence and attack?

What do You guys think about all of it?

This is also my first post so i'd like to say Hi to everyone.



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