Which champ for next 5/65 or 6* 2/35?

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
I'm looking for an overall content crusher, primarily for Act 6 at this point. I have a deep roster, so not looking for any particular niche to be filled. May consider a less common rank up.

I have many of the usual suspects already ranked up, so I'm looking for advice from folks that may have more experience with some of these options. Who do you find fun to play?

Which champ for next 5/65 or 6* 2/35? 16 votes

6* Sunspot (unawakened) to 2/35
Mets17OnesuavebroMrspider568SL1229 4 votes
6* Vision Aarkus (Sig 20) to 2/35
Losspik 1 vote
5* BW Claire Voyant (unawakened) to 5/65
zeezee57TJ107FhfjghhggggjfhfjgCapn_Dante 4 votes
5* Hyperion (Sig 151) to 5/65
allinashesAlex13369Saransh245LoctiteSuperGlueMiStaLovaMΛSSΛCRE 6 votes
5* Colossus (Sig 123) to 5/65
MawrCalleach 1 vote
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