Ever regret awakening a champ and taking them up to SIG 200?

Sitting on this kind of decision is nerve-racking - please throw me some horror stories so I can dissuade myself and practice some patience in this game for once
I’ve never regretted awakening any champ.
I just awakened and almost maxed out my Omega Red with no regrets at all.
To be honest this happens alot, people use an awakening gem and find the next crystal they dupe that very champ. Kabam rigs the crystals like that
I think most of the youtubers have gone through that very same pain. Lagacy has a video of him ranking up his KM
go watch it to cheer yourself up a bit
Words of advice for the future if you are close to a 5* crystal wait till after you open it before using gems.
personally I used an AG on sparky over star lord and 2 crystals later i pulled sparky. Would of been nice to have both awakened but sparky is such a good champion i didn't feel too bad. But i do exercise a lot of patience when it comes to the AGs and only use them on champions who will help clear content. Currently sitting on 2 cosmic ( CMM and maybe Corvus or Silver surfer), 1 Tech ( Saving ghost), 1 mutant ( Saving for Namor or maybe sunspot) and 1 Mystic (Thinking of saving for BWCW or may use it on Voodoo if i don't pull claire when she comes to basic pool)