*HELP* Mutant gem for???

I need some help, I just 100% Variant 3 and Received a Mutant gem. Who should i use it on. Domino Havok ArchAngel Sunspot ? I dont have any sig stones because they all went to Namor. But who could benefit the most? I know most will say AA but im not crazy about him.


  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    AA benefits the most from the gem
  • BłADEBłADE Member Posts: 148
    luscious i woulg go with Arrch angel
  • BłADEBłADE Member Posts: 148
    i like domino alot but i dont think she reallly needs to be duped
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Well if you know AA will benefit from the awakening gem the most why even ask 😂. Or you could save for Omega red as well.
  • luscious_lu6luscious_lu6 Member Posts: 9
    I was just hoping someone would say Havok, so i could justify using it lol. I like AA but dont really play him anymore. And i might just save it for Omega
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Aa or save for omega, havok doesn’t need it
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
  • AJXRXAJXRX Member Posts: 80
    If you need that ability accuracy reduction only then use it on AA. I would save it if I were you.
    Do you have AA as a 4* duped tho? Cos there are many places in Act 6 that archangel can't really be used cos he doesn't fit the gates or the champs have some immunity
  • luscious_lu6luscious_lu6 Member Posts: 9
    Really im stuck on act 6, cant get past sinister... i might have to use it on AA to beat him lol
  • Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Member Posts: 356 ★★

    I was just hoping someone would say Havok, so i could justify using it lol. I like AA but dont really play him anymore. And i might just save it for Omega

    It does help slightly speed up the ramp up to his great damage output, while also making him a little more annoying in some AW tiers, but it’s not really a game changer.

    I’d save it, but if you want to use it, it’ll be most useful with AA, hopefully with some sig stones you can pick up along the way.
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