NM5RB looking for 6 - Relaxed Alliance
NM5RB - We are looking for 6 Map 5/4 players (EU Timezones ideally). We run 544 for 130m+ (When full). We understand folk have a life outside the game which is exactly what it is, a game. No pressure all we ask is if you join map 5 that you log on regular to not waste energy. We're a core of 20 lads who've played in the same alliance for the past 4 years and yes like most we enjoy the banter. We smash all 3 day events apart from arena where we still rank decent milestone rewards. SA ranges from 500 - 750k weekly. No donations also no war, however if we have 10 guys who want to participate we have no issues running a battle group for war. We're looking for someone with decent prestige ideally over 7k but we're willing to go lower for someone with skill. Hit me up. LINE ID: ChewbaccaPhil