Best synergy team for Aegon in LOL?

Hey guys! Going to be taking my Aegon to R5 soon and one of my first goals is to finish exploration of LOL. Wondering what the best synergy team is? Planning to go full suicides


  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    Aegon 5*r5, heimdal, proxima, Thor, Angela
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    edited November 2019
    Nick fury quake a deadpool and a variable spot, from my experience I used proxima for the fury boost and the combo shield when fixed is nice in the first few fights while you’re getting up to 999, also the 10% heal at the start if you’re skilled actually allows you to sustain and potentially get itemless paths if there aren’t big problem fights, and unlike the asguardian regen synergies it works at high health at full potential, so you’re still healing when the opponent isn’t hitting crazy hard
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,671 ★★★★
    Ægon, Heimdall, Angela, Hela and Starlord or proxima
  • Thecrusher_9756Thecrusher_9756 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    There’s a few different ones as mentioned above and honestly, once you get used to it you might even choose not to bring Star Lord/Proxima
    Thanks for all the tips. Looks like I’ll use certain ones depending on the path. Planning to pick up some of the cash offers on cyber Monday and use some of the units for my runs.. Only have 4 paths left, did the first three with SL a while back.
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388

    I just finished exploring LOL- there are a few different teams with Aegon

    I used Aegon, quake, Nick fury, Proxima Midnight, and hiemdall

    Quake and NF provide 3 evade charges and that will save your butt throughout the fights

    Proxima gives the combo shield and increases potency of your furies

    Hiemdall gives the cheat death

    This team worked best for me - good luck!

    Doesn’t Proxima need to be together with SL to bring Combo shield?
  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    Heimdall, hela... Depends if u run suicides for next batch.. how well can u keep your combo... Nick fury, dpxf, Angela, proxima..
    Aegon, heimdall, hela, Nick fury, Angela was my team. Before suicides.
  • joke1004joke1004 Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    I used Ægon for my LOL 100% clear.
    Best team was:

    - Nick Fury -> attack
    - Deadpool -> regeneration
    - Quake -> evade charges
    - Captain marvel (classic) -> better and longer furies with Ægon and Nick Fury Synergy

    I needed Void for X-23 and swapped out Cap Marvel for him.
    Otherwise this team was extremely safe and sustainable for me.

    Edit: I used full suicides!
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    I used Proxima Quake Fury and I think SW for 7% attack synergy. I would wait until the Proxima synergy is fixed as it will save your combo from a bs evade. Quake and Fury combo is a must to evade a hit when they evade you. It's all about keeping your combo.
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  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    Full suicides team is Nick Fury, Deadpool, Quake, and whomever else you choose. A champ that makes a fight or two even easier than Ægon.

    This is all you need.

    I did path 4 with a rank 4, and 5-7 with a 5/65. The last three paths cost me about 500 units combined. This was only due to being slightly underprepared.
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    I only have a 2* nick fury. When does he get the quake synergy?
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