Kabam, i'm starting to get confused....

Stun immunity, okay, so i understand that those champions can't be stunned, but why did bring the passive effects ingame at all??? Stun is considered as a debuff, but wasps stun is not a debuff it is a passive effect... Let say you are right and wasp shouldn't stun with the passive effect, if thats the case then let my ghost purify the E.M.P effect also maybe? At this point i dont really understand why bringing the passive effects ingame...
In order for not every character be the exact same, they add kinda unique abilities and features to them. Thats the only way they could make them different, and at least have some good, decent and nice uses against certain node or ability
Yes Killmonger has a passive armor. But how about read havoc's abilities until you notice that only armor up BUFFS counter plasma detonation?
Even with a list of abilities telling you what will or not work, you still don't read them or understand them.
You do understand that Kabam counts those 2 as different abilities right?
If a node says "armor up" then both passives or buffs should work, once it says debuffs/buffs then only one would work....
Yes I understand they are counted as 2 abilities but they still fall under one unbrealla when it coems to stuns..
It is like saying "car", a VW beetle is different from a ford mustang, but they still fit under one group, cars, but if you buy a part for one it probably will not work on the other, but if you want to talk about ALL cars, you would just say car. In this case "stun effects" covers every single way a stun can be placed, because it is "effects".
You seems to be purposely conflating things. There is a general category "x effects", and then there are specific ways to get that effect "stun debuffs" and "stun passives" Both fall under the general category of "stun effects"
effect verb
effected; effecting; effects
Definition of effect (Entry 2 of 2)
transitive verb
1: to cause to come into being
If Havoks ability said "under the effect of an armor up" then both buffs and passives would work because based on the language it just needs an armor up, any armor up. Once it says buff or passive though it requires that specific type.
This is plain English.
Pretty much self-explanatory. Just because you don't fully understanding doesn't mean its wrong. You Passive abilities are effects.
Active abilities are effects.
Immunity to effects, means immunity to both active and passive abilities. Therefore if the node says "The defender is immune to stun effects", the defender will be stun immune, whether its an active or a passive ability
Hol' up. Are you serious?
Passive debuff, passive effect... active debuff, active effect... You are trying to say this is the case that i'm missing? This is why all stun debuffs and passives belong in 1 group?
Pretty much self-explanatory. Just because you don't fully understanding doesn't mean its wrong. You still have time before knowing how everything in the game works, dont just jump to the point where you think everything is wrong
Yes, you are purposely conflating things....passive and buff/Debuffs are different things, but both are effects. It is a general category vs specific type. It is like saying a “car” vs a vw beetle or Ford Mustang. If it says stun effects it covers all effects, passive or Debuffs.
There are effects (eg stun, bleed, armour up, etc) that are either active (buffs or debuffs) or passive. So for an analogy, it would be like fruits (apples, oranges, lemons, etc) that can either be organic or GMO. Technically there are also DoT effects that aren’t active or passive, but they’re usually degen effects, so they don’t really matter here.
If x effect is referred to, then active and passive versions of that effect are both referred to. So if a champion is bleed immune, then active (debuff) and passive bleeds don’t affect it. Going back to the fruit analogy, if apples are banned, it doesn’t matter if they’re organic or GMO, since both are considered “apples.”
Now if a champion is debuff immune, then they might be immune to stun debuffs but affected by passive stuns. For the apple example, perhaps GMO apples are banned, but organic apples are fine.
Finally, you have cases where the effect and the type is referred to, like Havok and the armour up buff. So fury buffs don’t work (obviously) since it’s not an armour up effect, and passive armour doesn’t work either since it’s not a buff.
So the crux of the issue is how many qualifiers are used, and which one. For the case of debuff immunity, debuffs don’t work, but passive effects do. For immunity for a specific effect, both active and passive versions of that effect shouldn’t work. For effects that require the effect and the type of effect (eg Shock debuff), then it only applies if both criteria are met.
Hopefully that clears things up
EMP node should be a passive shock effect
So if you go with Thing on that node, Thing should be immune right? Cose i never tried actually that, i thought that it can not be bypassed untill now... Am I right?
Look, if you were allergic to apples, would you then say "I'm allergic to apples", or would you rather say "I'm allergic to red apples, green apples, multicolored apples..."?
Just waiting on the Thing question to be answered and i think we will be done Thing should be immune to that, as would doom for example.
Should be or it is for sure?
Bottom line: you cannot automatically assume that immunity applies only for active debuffs, you must see how it is phrased.