How to Play Corvus

lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
I just got Corvus glaive as my 25th 4 star! I know that he is good, but I was wondering how to play him. Any tips would be very helpful. Thank You!


  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Easy, for longer fights, M, L, M combos with Sp2's all day. For short fights, M, L, L, L, M with Sp2's all day. Whenever you run out of Glaive Charges, use Sp3's. Don't use him in a quest until you come across a champ that'll give you a charge, once you have it, use him whenever you want.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Easy, for longer fights, M, L, M combos with Sp2's all day. For short fights, M, L, L, L, M with Sp2's all day. Whenever you run out of Glaive Charges, use Sp3's. Don't use him in a quest until you come across a champ that'll give you a charge, once you have it, use him whenever you want.

  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    edited November 2019
    1. Max him out, asap.
    2. Target Mutants, Tech champions and avengers
    3. You can target an evading and auto-blocking champion too. If he evades / auto-blocks, throw a heavy.
    2. Parry & armor-break opponents
    3. keep parrying and armor-breaking opponents and keep playing normally, until you reach SP2
    4. Unleash SP2 & win the fight.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    edited November 2019
    1. When you start getting into longer fights (or if you’re up against a longer first-ramp up fight), you can also opt for M-L combos (that way you can get two hits worth of power per glaive charge, rather than the three hits worth of power per 2 glaive charges that you’d get from MLM combos).
    2. CG will also critical hit through block, so you can always use this to inch an opponent’s health to the point where a single combo/sp2 will finish them off. Handy when you’re running low on glaive charges.
    3. His armour break on parry is very handy against some otherwise annoying champs. For all intents and purposes, a single parry will momentarily disable emma’s diamond form, KM’s reverberation, red skull’s armour stacks, ghost’s phasing, BPCW’s reflect stun, explosive personality armour stacks.... the list is quite extensive. Congrats on the pull, go nuts!

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