4 star rank 5

TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
When the next EQ comes I will have enough resources to R5 my next 4 star so who should it be thanks! Btw I’m currently leaning towards captain marvel movie but I’m not sure on her quite yet

4 star rank 5 26 votes

HeraldofNoneLoctiteSuperGlueZipioDeaconkubricknolanAlexAvalonLufasoCtfz35 8 votes
HSenpaiCtuchikMuoio_Subito 3 votes
Sym Supreme
FreeToPlay_21HippoSleek_J 2 votes
Cap Marvel Movie
X_Factor_AgentEtjamaRogers 2~1Ibby 4 votes
TheSquish671HedronStellan 3 votes
benshbINTEGRALLvernon15Thicco_ModeLazuliOlikkm 6 votes


  • Muoio_SubitoMuoio_Subito Member Posts: 16
    Domino and rank up magik...
  • LazuliLazuli Member Posts: 94
    edited November 2019
    CMM is great choice too but out of those, if it was me, I’d pick Emma. My 4 star emma still comes in handy so much, both for defense and offense, doesn’t need a dupe, amazing damage on sp2, and just insanely useful in a lot of content. Even if you don’t pick emma to r5 next you’ll definitely want to keep her on the list to r5 when you get the resources again.

    Also don’t have a Namor to compare but everyone is loving him rn, so he would be a good choice too.
  • HippoSleek_JHippoSleek_J Member Posts: 206 ★★
    Sym Supreme
    What sig is Venom the Duck? He is real useful for questing once you get the hang of building up the right buffs. 3X power gain, 3X regen and 4X fury and you're smashing through fights. Synergys with Venom and Sym Sup make it even better 👌
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
  • Rogers 2~1Rogers 2~1 Member Posts: 135
    Cap Marvel Movie
    It directly depends on,in which act you are or which you are gonna do first. If you wanna do Road to labyrinth then you must go with domino, of you wanna explore act 4 first then go with void or human torch or namor or emma. If you wanna go with act 5 first then go with either human or domino or havok or sunspot.

    I didn't talk about cmm or gwenpool or IMIW or dormamu anywhere because they belongs to type which can be used anywhere in ROL, act 4 or act5

    Among all you must go with these only none other than these-
    1. Domino ( Works everywhere,gives critical damage)
    2. Void ( very best nullifier,and nice option for story quests)
    3. Ghost ( very nice defender, hits critical)
    4. Namor ( regenerative, damage over time )
    5. Human torch or sunspot ( very nice for damage over time)
    6. Havok( kills without touching)
    7. Gwenpool (if duped then very good at bleed)
    8. Captain marvel movie ( if got duped then indestructible else good for everywhere)
    9. IMIW ( this is insane)
    10. Dormamu (best option for act 5 and collector)

    I don't know about other good champs like cull,mysterio and Ghulk
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
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