Which 10K offer should I pick based on my roster?

Attached a couple pics to show my top champs at the moment. Wondering which of the 10k offers would be best.
Opened 4 6*s and got + duped wasp, duped DH, and pulled storm. Rhulk and Cull are notable 5*s I pulled that will be going up ASAP. I’d love to open two more 6*s, but really don’t need the T5B at the moment (and the rank up gem is generic, plus it accounts for 6 T2A). I could pump the extra 6* stones into DH and take him to R2, but the 120 5* stones would be pretty sweet as well. Kinda torn, thoughts?

Opened 4 6*s and got + duped wasp, duped DH, and pulled storm. Rhulk and Cull are notable 5*s I pulled that will be going up ASAP. I’d love to open two more 6*s, but really don’t need the T5B at the moment (and the rank up gem is generic, plus it accounts for 6 T2A). I could pump the extra 6* stones into DH and take him to R2, but the 120 5* stones would be pretty sweet as well. Kinda torn, thoughts?
