AeternusEternus hit us up. We are laid back. Im looking to recruit a few new players. AW daily and AQ daily when available. I want to keep moving up in rankings for better rewards.
AQ Alliance: Controlled Collective II Alliance Tag: xCxC2 is new and looking for members that have Line App. Your welcome to join. Contact : LadyGamer13 (Line App) or LG 2 in game mail.
We always have AQ running (usually map3, map 4 when enough of us have time). AW also active, silver 2 but with a few more strong players we could get up in ranks relatively fast. Contact: Mojave_Chic Alliance: Marvel Masters Tag: [Mac s]
Alliance Tag: xCxC2 is new and looking for members that have Line App.
Your welcome to join.
Contact : LadyGamer13 (Line App)
or LG 2 in game mail.
Tag: [Mac s]