Best 5* champ to R5 to reach Cavalier?

Finally got my second t5 basic and am looking to get my first 5* r5 champ, but which one should i take up to become cavalier??

Best 5* champ to R5 to reach Cavalier? 19 votes

Domino (unduped)
Saielsouvickranjandhar26JohnLocke117Cx8RunamokUSAHavanaknightJJBoy19 7 votes
Cap IW (unduped)
Magik (duped)
Aegon (duped)
TheHeroDeservedCrazyAlboB_Dizzle_01Perceptron 4 votes
Void (duped)
MiStaLova 1 vote
Corvus (unduped)
Bpn88855NeotwismLoctiteSuperGlueTotalMonster109NimorPyrdaOctoberstack 7 votes
Medusa (unduped)


  • HavanaknightHavanaknight Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    Domino (unduped)
    None of them will singlehandedly get you to cavalier. Domino will help clear a lot of the content, especially with Rulk. Medusa is needed/really useful for ultron in 6.1.2 and sentinel in 6.1.6. You need somebody that is at minimum bleed immune for 6.1.5 crossbones, bleed and poison immune preferred and has heal block.
  • NimorNimor Member Posts: 110
    Corvus (unduped)
    As always roster and masteries really make a difference on decisions like this. A lot of good options there, but if you run suicides corvus will pretty much get cavalier for you. On the other hand corvus starts to have problems with the increased hp with 6.2 and 6.3 but is still relevant. I would say aegon and domino are also great options overall.
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