If you don't have Symbiote Supreme, don't want to use Magik or Vision, who else can you use against

raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
AQ Map 5 mini boss Hyperion?

Are Claire Voyant and Dr. Doom viable options?

Doc Oc I've heard is okay, Luke Cage to take an SP3, or even Hood's stagger... but I don't want to R5 any of those just for Hyperion.


  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Claire voyant certainly is. Since hype is poison immune, she can switch into her poison curse and continually build up her charges to keep on nullifying hypes power gain. And then once she is able to get to an l2 in her poison mode the power drain off it makes hype pretty simple actually. She's a really great option for him.

    Dr voodoo is also a pretty decent hype counter, with his ability accuracy reduction and power control. KM can work decently well too with the indestructible charges from his l2. Sparky and night thrasher can taunt hype to make it a little easier to bait out the specials.
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