This is for the poor conqueror people who are sick of being lumped together with proven people.... open to anyone who have some tips to share. Am currently at Lines In the Sand and the Masochism is kicking my ass. Uncollected/ Cavalier peeps pls share your experience and your tips
Personally, I powered through Masochism with X-23 and Hyperion, both 5* rank 3.
It wasn't easy, but after a long period of trial and error, I managed to complete it.
If you don't have a counter to it, Masochism requires attention. It's not hard to outdamage it, but you have to play smart.
As for masochism itself I personally try to use debuff spam, EG Sunspot, Void, X23 and then out damage/cancel the regen, hope that helps!
Note- X23 and Wolverine I found to be especially useful in this quest as I wasn’t able to confidently intercept yet, so their regen helped heal back block damage
Void counters masochism, you just need to get a petrify on them, it takes a little while sometimes, you can use parry to trigger masochism to make sure following void debuff sticks. Parries will still fail if the timer is up but they won’t regen. Warlock also works really well here if you eventually pull him. His virus is great vs the node. WRT Void adding killmonger is nice as void will regen enough to cover chip damage through the fights.
Void also nicely counters the potentially annoying dr strange fight in this quest.
Stark spidey can just damage through it if you are good at holding 10 charges. Even triggering regen. Fights will normally be over by his SP2.
The other tactic is to use someone like Hyperion who stacks incinerate debuffs and doesn’t need to parry as he can special counter repeatedly via powergain (let them dash attack you and just throw sp1) . Yes some will result in regen but if you have despair mastery you can take the regen down somewhat.
Lastly if you must parry, look for the grey timer as indication it is safe to do so.
Outside of your roster archangel and Masacre with despair make light work of this quest. Likewise a duped capiw with petrify /tech and science/cosmic synergies. SP2 will finish most fights as a 5/50.
I’d advise ranking up ghulk as you’ll need him for various Magik/dormammu fights in act 5 and he’s also great for V2.
Good luck.
Even if you occasionally hit the parry and they regen, the added energy damage will take care of it.
And he's just an all around beast in every other part of the game as well. I have yet to find any place where he cannot wreak things. And mystics just crumble.
Gulk is good too, but id rank that 5* before the 4 *