Let's gauge how many actually want 6 Star Champions:



  • RaydenRayden Member Posts: 1
    Want 6 star
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Only ones left playing this game will be the whales at the top
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.
  • bleed4mebleed4me Member Posts: 20
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    When 5*s came out, people we're excited, and for good reason. It was good timing. Many had 5/50 4*s.But now not one person now has a 5 /65 5*.It's too soon for 6*s.I been playing since the beginning pretty much, and only have 1 duped 5*.I just maxed my 4th 4* recently, but now I'm being told to enjoy it while I still can, because 4*s are gonna be obsolete pretty soon. Not that I'm ok with the 6*s, but if nothing we say is gonna change anything, then make 5*s only 2k shards like the 4*s are now. Starting now, so "maybe" when the 6*s are released, we'd have a collection of 5*s competitive of our 4*s.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    A BIG NO!
  • frogjelly3frogjelly3 Member Posts: 8
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    And they've clearly stated there is no plans to ever have even a 5 star version of either Dr Strange or Scarlet Witch...so why were they so intensely crippled by the nerfing, if not to make them less disproportionate to the other champions?!? I fear for the future of MCoC if the only thing they'll listen to is boycotts & ubiquitous bad press. & Tired of my optimism always getting the better of me with this (& only this) game. It's sincerely disheartening...
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    edited August 2017
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    I want 20*s.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol
  • Bbrizee7147Bbrizee7147 Member Posts: 114
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Hell no this is ridiculous there's so much content you can add to this game before added 6* no one is even close to having all 5* or even enough maxed out 5* to never have to use 4*. This is worse than the 12.0 nerf. And really makes me want to give this game up for good 2 years playing, and this is what breaks the game for users...sad
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.

    So then using that same theory a 5*sg is more powerful then a 4* sw. Yeah I don't think so. It's the champ that makes it more powerful not the star rating. I would take sw over sg hb in 6*.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    DL864 wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.

    So then using that same theory a 5*sg is more powerful then a 4* sw. Yeah I don't think so. It's the champ that makes it more powerful not the star rating. I would take sw over sg hb in 6*.

    That is pretty much preference. It also depends on what you're using them for. I would wreck a 5* SW with a 6* SG. Lol.
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    and if your point is that difference in signature ability is what makes him stronger , then u must agree that no matter what star a HB is , he will always be trash coz his abilities just suck.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Time to call roninnupe for another boycott I guess
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Best way to kill the game.
  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    Behold! The year 2020 and the 8* champions!
  • WOKWOK Member Posts: 468 ★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    FamousRy wrote: »
    It doesnt matter what we want, its kabams game, why dont you get that? haha move on with life. accept what they offer you, or go play monopoly with aunt ruby.

    I apologize to everyone for the following semi lengthy post in this poll thread but felt compelled to add a response. Also with no disrespect intended towards your statement @FamousRy , I'd like to say the foundation of it could have some validity if a set scenario was described along with it. IMO however, the way you choose to present it does not seem to be very supportive of the community which you are a part of and appears to lack some crucial details in order for it to be considered constructive and/or stimulate positive discussion on the subject. Just to bring some more thought to the mix, you are 100% correct about 1 thing and that it is Kabams game. Your other "arguments" can be considered too lacking to be more than slightly correct. With ehtical customer driven business pratice in mind I'll present my opinion with the following example.
    Its a given fact we can all agree on that automobile companies sell vehicles to customers and they change and upgrade their models every few years to present better quality and style to entice new and repeat buyers to stay loyal and buy again. And to support @famousRy's statement, we dont have to purchase it if we do not care for it and technically but not realistically, the car manufacturer is not responsible to build a vehicle that appeals to us and offer it at a price that we the consumer would like it to be and we don't have to approve or purchase it. The company would have to close down within a year I'm sure but they very well have that right and no one can say different. Here is the caveat, and what I would describe the MCoC communities current scenario. Car dealers sell new and used vehicles AND they also lease them(which is basically similar to our relationhip with Kabam) We were presented with a finished shiny new model to lease for x amount of time for x amount of resources. We agreed to a contract to adhere to their limits/standards on "mileage, wear and tear" etc(TOC)...... The vehicle is technically the property of the company and not ours, but we do reserve certain rights regardless of money spent(registering our email and creating our game ID can be considered as part of our downpayment) to use it as we see fit, and if we encounter some mechanical problems, it is the companies responsibility to address and repair it to safe operating condition in a timely manner. The following is subjective and left to personal interpretation. The introduction of 6* champs being unveiled, to me would be similar to the dealer repossessing my vehicle to make upgraded "improvements" at a time that is not convenient for me, and changing the engine to consume more fuel, change the ergonomics of the dash that I was accustomed to, change the body style and paint color and trash all the little accesories I personally bought and installed to make it "my own"........ Oh, and also inform me that I will have to eventually add x amount to my "monthly payments" in order to keep it in my possession. I wouldn't be very receptive nor satisified if that actually were to happen. BTW, I prefer playing the boardgame LIFe than monopoly. Lol good night!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    NDK13 wrote: »
    Time to call roninnupe for another boycott I guess

    Boycott what? Adding 6*'s? That's not going to change anything. This whole idea of calling a boycott whenever they decide to add something is getting old. The first one negated its own purpose. At first, people wanted to be heard. Then they were heard. After that, it turned into demands for a total reversal and undoing the nerfs, and that wasn't at all realistic. The game team was open to communicate and meet people halfway. Once it persisted, it became needless, and no longer had an effect. A boycott is not a means to getting whatever people want. It's their product. They're adding 6*'s whether people are happy about it or not. The overreacting is not in sync with the reality of it. The game changes and evolves. The next step is adding 6*'s. First in Content, then eventually attainable. Not before people have the Resources to Max 5*'s. Some have jumped into the future and think everything underneath will be phased out. They seem to be under the impression that we're going to have as many 6*'s circulating as we have 4*'s or even 5*'s, right off the hop. That's not how it will play out. It will take time for them to be that common. Many things will change before that. The game is built on, and sustained by, evolution. People can boycott all they like. The game will grow regardless. It's the next step. We honestly can't expect it to stay the same forever. No one grows when things are that comfortable.
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
    how is that stronger if u cant complete 1 path of the hardest content in the game while a 4 star can? u want to test your 6 star on chapter 1 act 1? lol ofc u will test it on the hardest content in the game. thats how u test how strong a character is.

    HB sp1 is stupid, that is why he is a bad defender lol i dont care how much hp or armor he has. u will eventually kill him and its almost impossible for him to kill u. HB will never be stronger than a SL no matter what star it is.
    HB 6s might have better base stats than 4s SL but with higher combo meter , SL will eventually deal more damage than HB hence he is stronger. Your only argument is to use him as a defender where he is mediocre at best. while SL can be used in any part of the game except for alliance war defender. SL is a better and stronger champion than your 6s HB .
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
    how is that stronger if u cant complete 1 path of the hardest content in the game while a 4 star can? u want to test your 6 star on chapter 1 act 1? lol ofc u will test it on the hardest content in the game. thats how u test how strong a character is.

    HB sp1 is stupid, that is why he is a bad defender lol i dont care how much hp or armor he has. u will eventually kill him and its almost impossible for him to kill u. HB will never be stronger than a SL no matter what star it is.
    HB 6s might have better base stats than 4s SL but with higher combo meter , SL will eventually deal more damage than HB hence he is stronger. Your only argument is to use him as a defender where he is mediocre at best. while SL can be used in any part of the game except for alliance war defender. SL is a better and stronger champion than your 6s HB .

    I did not make that comment to turn it into a debate about whether SL or HB are stronger. I said a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be powerful in the current meta. I get it. You like SL. ANY 6* would be powerful given the fact that the highest we currently have is a 5*.
    For the record, a Champ's strength is not determined by LOL or ROL. Those are very specific Quests, and many Champs have more complex uses than End-Game Content. Some take much longer to test than a run at WS. You can't isolate one area of the game and make overall judgments.
    That's about all I have to say. The debate isn't even about my point. The point I'm making is if it were only those Champs added first, they would still be powerful given the fact that 6*'s are stronger than 5*'s.
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
    how is that stronger if u cant complete 1 path of the hardest content in the game while a 4 star can? u want to test your 6 star on chapter 1 act 1? lol ofc u will test it on the hardest content in the game. thats how u test how strong a character is.

    HB sp1 is stupid, that is why he is a bad defender lol i dont care how much hp or armor he has. u will eventually kill him and its almost impossible for him to kill u. HB will never be stronger than a SL no matter what star it is.
    HB 6s might have better base stats than 4s SL but with higher combo meter , SL will eventually deal more damage than HB hence he is stronger. Your only argument is to use him as a defender where he is mediocre at best. while SL can be used in any part of the game except for alliance war defender. SL is a better and stronger champion than your 6s HB .

    I did not make that comment to turn it into a debate about whether SL or HB are stronger. I said a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be powerful in the current meta. I get it. You like SL. ANY 6* would be powerful given the fact that the highest we currently have is a 5*.
    For the record, a Champ's strength is not determined by LOL or ROL. Those are very specific Quests, and many Champs have more complex uses than End-Game Content. Some take much longer to test than a run at WS. You can't isolate one area of the game and make overall judgments.
    That's about all I have to say. The debate isn't even about my point. The point I'm making is if it were only those Champs added first, they would still be powerful given the fact that 6*'s are stronger than 5*'s.

    lol the point im making is HB 6s will still have no place for the game other than a mediocre defender. and any1 will not be happy getting him as a 6s. and even if u pull him as a 6 star, u will never use him in any content really, not even master mode where 4s 4/40 can breeze thru.just ask yourself this, would u rather have a 6 star HB or a good 5 star champ like GP DV Hyperion etc.?
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    DL864 wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.

    So then using that same theory a 5*sg is more powerful then a 4* sw. Yeah I don't think so. It's the champ that makes it more powerful not the star rating. I would take sw over sg hb in 6*.

    That is pretty much preference. It also depends on what you're using them for. I would wreck a 5* SW with a 6* SG. Lol.

    Lol your funny, you got 1 r5 champ an think you got a great perspective on value of ranking up champs an the resources an time\effort it takes to to even get a 5* 4\55
  • nameplasnameplas Member Posts: 240 ★★
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    Can people who said "yes" give a valid reason/explanation as to why?? Except the one which is you might wanna spend ( it's your money, you can do anything you want) but one valid reason please?? How would it allow the game to be alive? What about all those max 4* you have and aren't you bothered about your 5* not being maxed yet?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
    how is that stronger if u cant complete 1 path of the hardest content in the game while a 4 star can? u want to test your 6 star on chapter 1 act 1? lol ofc u will test it on the hardest content in the game. thats how u test how strong a character is.

    HB sp1 is stupid, that is why he is a bad defender lol i dont care how much hp or armor he has. u will eventually kill him and its almost impossible for him to kill u. HB will never be stronger than a SL no matter what star it is.
    HB 6s might have better base stats than 4s SL but with higher combo meter , SL will eventually deal more damage than HB hence he is stronger. Your only argument is to use him as a defender where he is mediocre at best. while SL can be used in any part of the game except for alliance war defender. SL is a better and stronger champion than your 6s HB .

    I did not make that comment to turn it into a debate about whether SL or HB are stronger. I said a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be powerful in the current meta. I get it. You like SL. ANY 6* would be powerful given the fact that the highest we currently have is a 5*.
    For the record, a Champ's strength is not determined by LOL or ROL. Those are very specific Quests, and many Champs have more complex uses than End-Game Content. Some take much longer to test than a run at WS. You can't isolate one area of the game and make overall judgments.
    That's about all I have to say. The debate isn't even about my point. The point I'm making is if it were only those Champs added first, they would still be powerful given the fact that 6*'s are stronger than 5*'s.

    lol the point im making is HB 6s will still have no place for the game other than a mediocre defender. and any1 will not be happy getting him as a 6s. and even if u pull him as a 6 star, u will never use him in any content really, not even master mode where 4s 4/40 can breeze thru.just ask yourself this, would u rather have a 6 star HB or a good 5 star champ like GP DV Hyperion etc.?

    What people would rather have is not the point of what I am saying. This is the same argument over and over. You're talking about preference and I'm talking about a hypothetical. If they hypothetically were the first ones pulled, they would still be powerful. You can agree or disagree. I don't care. The logic is that they would be because there are NO 6*'s presently.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    nameplas wrote: »
    Can people who said "yes" give a valid reason/explanation as to why?? Except the one which is you might wanna spend ( it's your money, you can do anything you want) but one valid reason please?? How would it allow the game to be alive? What about all those max 4* you have and aren't you bothered about your 5* not being maxed yet?

    This is how the game evolves. They introduce new challenges and stronger content, and people grow from working towards something. It's not a sudden change. It will be gradual, and other changes will come before we see many of them floating around. We can't expect the game to continue and thrive if it's always at a comfortable homeostasis. New goals and challenges have to be introduced. It also doesn't mean that past effort was wasted. That's an exaggeration. I'm all for growth. The game is not one where you achieve some level and stay comfortable forever. As long as it continues to expand, it means there is constantly something to work towards, and that makes me more inclined to play because I won't get bored anytime soon. Those are my reasons. Lol.
    No, next idea to add progression Kabam plz
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    BUNGALNGAL wrote: »
    DL864 wrote: »
    Who wants to pull a 6* spider Gwen hb,IP or some other garbage champ no thank you. Let's first fix all the bugs then give us the resources to r5 5*. After that maybe 6* would be a good idea.

    Well, to be honest, a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be quite powerful in the current meta.

    lol how? are u telling me 4/55 5* HB is stronger than a 5/50 4* sl? pls enlighten us lol

    Stronger is relative to what strength you are looking at. Different Sig. SL is an exceptional Sig that allows for perpetual Damage. HB has one of the highest Armors of any Champ. It's moot either way because we don't know the Stats of the new 6*'s. What I am pretty sure of, is if they are a 6*, they would be stronger no matter what Champ they are. That's why it's called a 6*. Lol.
    how about u wreck LOL with a 5 star 4/55 HB sig lvl 200? while SL 4 star sig lvl 20 can do it. and please dont tell me HB is a good defender lol only good before wp nerf and if u are in like tier 10 AW

    Again, that's an isolated example. There's more to the game than LOL. That's a specific End-Game Quest. The point I'm trying to make is a 6* ANYTHING would be stronger than a 4* or a 5* because we can assume that the Base Stats will be higher. Stronger means stronger. Not better for a specific Quest. You're comparing two totally different Champs with totally different uses. HB can be a good Defender if you put him on the right Node. Not first choice, but useful. If you had a 6* HB, I'm sure that Armor Node would come in handy. Here's the fundamental problem. People get so set in going for the same Champs that they call others useless. Usefulness is all about what you use them for, and how you use them. The fact that people are thirsting for SL for LOL doesn't give a broad comparison because you're not talking about overall strength. You're talking about End-Game Content. Whatever Champ is a 6* will be stronger than a 5*. That's why they are introducting 6*'s. I don't care who it is. If a 6* HB was introduced, it would be the highest you could attain.
    how is that stronger if u cant complete 1 path of the hardest content in the game while a 4 star can? u want to test your 6 star on chapter 1 act 1? lol ofc u will test it on the hardest content in the game. thats how u test how strong a character is.

    HB sp1 is stupid, that is why he is a bad defender lol i dont care how much hp or armor he has. u will eventually kill him and its almost impossible for him to kill u. HB will never be stronger than a SL no matter what star it is.
    HB 6s might have better base stats than 4s SL but with higher combo meter , SL will eventually deal more damage than HB hence he is stronger. Your only argument is to use him as a defender where he is mediocre at best. while SL can be used in any part of the game except for alliance war defender. SL is a better and stronger champion than your 6s HB .

    I did not make that comment to turn it into a debate about whether SL or HB are stronger. I said a 6* SG, HB, or IP would be powerful in the current meta. I get it. You like SL. ANY 6* would be powerful given the fact that the highest we currently have is a 5*.
    For the record, a Champ's strength is not determined by LOL or ROL. Those are very specific Quests, and many Champs have more complex uses than End-Game Content. Some take much longer to test than a run at WS. You can't isolate one area of the game and make overall judgments.
    That's about all I have to say. The debate isn't even about my point. The point I'm making is if it were only those Champs added first, they would still be powerful given the fact that 6*'s are stronger than 5*'s.

    lol the point im making is HB 6s will still have no place for the game other than a mediocre defender. and any1 will not be happy getting him as a 6s. and even if u pull him as a 6 star, u will never use him in any content really, not even master mode where 4s 4/40 can breeze thru.just ask yourself this, would u rather have a 6 star HB or a good 5 star champ like GP DV Hyperion etc.?

    What people would rather have is not the point of what I am saying. This is the same argument over and over. You're talking about preference and I'm talking about a hypothetical. If they hypothetically were the first ones pulled, they would still be powerful. You can agree or disagree. I don't care. The logic is that they would be because there are NO 6*'s presently.
    they are not powerful coz they suck lol how can u say they are powerful when they wont have more damage output than tha 5 stars or 4 stars we already have. u specifically said that those sucky champions will be strong at 6 stars which they wont be lol. and its not preference, its already common knowledge that HB sucks lol. everybody dont like him for that reason. nuff said.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    nameplas wrote: »
    Can people who said "yes" give a valid reason/explanation as to why?? Except the one which is you might wanna spend ( it's your money, you can do anything you want) but one valid reason please?? How would it allow the game to be alive? What about all those max 4* you have and aren't you bothered about your 5* not being maxed yet?

    I'm a F2P player. Never spent a dime on the game. And although, yes one day (when we have enough 6*s and can rank them up to rank 3 AT LEAST) 4*s will become useless for newer content. But i don't think that time will come until 2019.
    The reason i support the addition of 6*s is because off the following reasons :

    1) Duping 5*s atm gives us less stuff than duping 4*s. (No shards vs 275 5*s shards, same ISO and gold) HOW does that make any sense. This way we would be getting shards for something 6 months earlier.

    2) Adding 6*s means 5*s will be more available, and i want to grow my 5* roster further.

    3) 6* coming means the resources for ranking up 5*s and especially 4*s like T4CC, T2As, T5Bs would be made more available to us. Looking forward to upgrade my R4 5* SL.

    Now i will still be maxing out my 4*s because i don't think 4* DV, GP, Iceman, AA, Hulk etc would become useless anytime soon, even in the next year too.
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