Venom the duck is an amazing champ at times. Since his buffs are RNG based, that does that away some helpfulness. But once you get the best setup, he’s an absolute unit.
The way I see it, Guillotine introduction changed the story arc of mcoc. She also laid the foundation for Morningstar and 2099 (both amazing champions). She was also introduced with Venom at the same time, who gave rise to the symbiotes in the game. She might not be the best, but she played a huge role in the growth and success of MCOC! And in the future, if Marvel are to create a content based off on mcoc original characters, it will most likely be her.
civil warrior ,unfortunately he isnt good or very popular in game ,if they had made him actual mix of captain and ironman powerlevel wise in game, he'd b unstoppable and immensely popular worldwide
Beta Ray Bill and Man thing was also there.
I pulled him as a 4* from a free featured we got back in summer 2016? I can't remember.
He's still my favourite champ, and I'm hoping for a 6* one from my next crystal (Just so I can use him)
He was right there in Timely's Marvel Comics #1 with the android Torch! He came before Captain America!
Honourable mentions to Civil Warrior and Symbiote Supreme; but they're amalgam characters rather than genuinely new, like Guillotine and Morningstar.