My first month of MCOC!

Hey everyone! This Friday will be my one month anniversary! (This is a second account)
I'd like to share how I've felt grinding out this past month, and how I managed an Uncollected title in 24 days!
It all started Nov 6th. After reviewing the monthly objectives on my main, I decided a new account would thrive this month. I began at 8:35 PST. I grinded out completion of Act 2 in 23 hours, while doing the Merc objectives. At level 10, you obtain the Sigil trial for one week. I used the Golden Circle to farm XP and Mercs whenever I ran out of energy doing story. I completed the Merc objectives at 7:20 PST, roughly 23 hours in. I pulled 5* Havok from my legendary crystal! That brought an end to Day 1...
Day 2: My main objective was to complete Act 3. I was still pretty hyped with the account, and not burned out at all. After spending a few hours, Thanos went down. The reward: 4* Old Man Logan. After this, I decided to push into Act 4 a bit. I completed up to 4.3.3, and went to bed.
Day 4: Maestro goes down! Havok was a beast in Act 4! (I also had a 3/30 4* VTD by now) The rewards gave me a 4* She Hulk. She was soon 3/30, and ready to roll!
Days 5-7: I spent this time in Arena, and EQ. I completed Heroic during these 3 days. I also ranked up 4*' Rogue to 3/30 during this time
Day 8-15: I spent this time doing 100% Heroic, and Arena. I managed to get to 10k 5* shards, with the compensation from the Server down time.
5* Loki...
Anyway, it was time to attempt 5.1! (VTD and She-Hulk are now 4/40s)
After a struggle in 5.1.5, It is complete! It took me a few health pots, but no revives.
Day 16-23: After taking Havok to R2, it was time to push into 5.2! The first 3 quests went down easy, and now it's time for 5.2.4! After a few restarts, I managed to get a successful run up to the first portal! Or so I thought...Electro ambush! VTD handled him fairly well, but it took 2 revives. Not good.
After making my way to the boss, it was time for Caltrops! And I forgot a bleed immune champ. VTD time! 2 more revives, and it is done.
5.2.5 was a struggle at first, as I was out of practice against Bane. After a few restarts, VTD was ramped up, and cleared the entire quest for me! After this, it was time to jump into some Act 2 to revive farm. Day 24 was the day!
Day 24: It was time. I fully boosted, and went at 5.2.6! VTD died on Venom, so She-Hulk it was! She took me all the way to Daredevil without dying. One revive later, and I've made my way to Collector. It was time.
Boosts refreshed? Yep
Revives stashed? Only 6
Am I ready? No
This fight was garbage. After 700 units in revives (I know that's a lot. I played bad) he went down.
Overall, it wasn't terrible.
I was level 38 at the time of defeating him. The total time was 24 days, 14hrs and 3 minutes.
Resources used: 6 L1 Revives, 3 L2 Revives, and 7 L2 Team Revives
Lots of health pots.
Overall, the experience was a good one.
It is (with proof) the fastest run to Uncollected ever done! I'm sure someone will beat it though. (This was F2P btw. I did grab the sigil after the fight though)
As of now, I've been grinding arena for Cull, and now for Namor. I'm hoping these two will help me in my Act 5 completion run (I'll be doing this in roughly 2 weeks time)
As for how friendly the game is for new players, I'd say it's at a high right now. Definitely very easy for one to progress quickly, and the gifting event will definitely help with that.
Anyway, Thanks for listening to my rambling! I'll be back in January for my second month update!
- Dr.Voyant
I'd like to share how I've felt grinding out this past month, and how I managed an Uncollected title in 24 days!
It all started Nov 6th. After reviewing the monthly objectives on my main, I decided a new account would thrive this month. I began at 8:35 PST. I grinded out completion of Act 2 in 23 hours, while doing the Merc objectives. At level 10, you obtain the Sigil trial for one week. I used the Golden Circle to farm XP and Mercs whenever I ran out of energy doing story. I completed the Merc objectives at 7:20 PST, roughly 23 hours in. I pulled 5* Havok from my legendary crystal! That brought an end to Day 1...
Day 2: My main objective was to complete Act 3. I was still pretty hyped with the account, and not burned out at all. After spending a few hours, Thanos went down. The reward: 4* Old Man Logan. After this, I decided to push into Act 4 a bit. I completed up to 4.3.3, and went to bed.
Day 4: Maestro goes down! Havok was a beast in Act 4! (I also had a 3/30 4* VTD by now) The rewards gave me a 4* She Hulk. She was soon 3/30, and ready to roll!
Days 5-7: I spent this time in Arena, and EQ. I completed Heroic during these 3 days. I also ranked up 4*' Rogue to 3/30 during this time
Day 8-15: I spent this time doing 100% Heroic, and Arena. I managed to get to 10k 5* shards, with the compensation from the Server down time.
5* Loki...
Anyway, it was time to attempt 5.1! (VTD and She-Hulk are now 4/40s)
After a struggle in 5.1.5, It is complete! It took me a few health pots, but no revives.
Day 16-23: After taking Havok to R2, it was time to push into 5.2! The first 3 quests went down easy, and now it's time for 5.2.4! After a few restarts, I managed to get a successful run up to the first portal! Or so I thought...Electro ambush! VTD handled him fairly well, but it took 2 revives. Not good.
After making my way to the boss, it was time for Caltrops! And I forgot a bleed immune champ. VTD time! 2 more revives, and it is done.
5.2.5 was a struggle at first, as I was out of practice against Bane. After a few restarts, VTD was ramped up, and cleared the entire quest for me! After this, it was time to jump into some Act 2 to revive farm. Day 24 was the day!
Day 24: It was time. I fully boosted, and went at 5.2.6! VTD died on Venom, so She-Hulk it was! She took me all the way to Daredevil without dying. One revive later, and I've made my way to Collector. It was time.
Boosts refreshed? Yep
Revives stashed? Only 6
Am I ready? No
This fight was garbage. After 700 units in revives (I know that's a lot. I played bad) he went down.
Overall, it wasn't terrible.
I was level 38 at the time of defeating him. The total time was 24 days, 14hrs and 3 minutes.
Resources used: 6 L1 Revives, 3 L2 Revives, and 7 L2 Team Revives
Lots of health pots.
Overall, the experience was a good one.
It is (with proof) the fastest run to Uncollected ever done! I'm sure someone will beat it though. (This was F2P btw. I did grab the sigil after the fight though)
As of now, I've been grinding arena for Cull, and now for Namor. I'm hoping these two will help me in my Act 5 completion run (I'll be doing this in roughly 2 weeks time)
As for how friendly the game is for new players, I'd say it's at a high right now. Definitely very easy for one to progress quickly, and the gifting event will definitely help with that.
Anyway, Thanks for listening to my rambling! I'll be back in January for my second month update!
- Dr.Voyant