Oceania's 6m(ish) alliance is looking for new members

Australia/NZ alliance is looking to replace low performers. We just merged.

We do everything in this game and so should you.
  • AW (tier 9 right now, you should be able to end your path).
  • AQ (Advanced), we should probably level up soon as the merge happened mid week. We are aiming at doing map 5. We have 3453 prestige right now, but it should improve next week when we play a full AQ.
  • We do 3 day events and daily events. Just for the milestones. (We don't have a required minimum for the arena based 3 events).
  • You need to be able to do AQ and AW at the same time.
  • You HAVE TO use LINE to communicate. Add me: jmontano8421 and we can chat.
  • We get to SA every week without saving (based on our histories before merging and current SA).
  • You should have enough experience in this game. I do not want to specify a minimum of rating or prestige, because I want members (and officers) who are active and reliable, and communicative. Those are the most important attributes you should have.

We are also normal human beings with jobs and families, so that is why it is important to communicate. So we can plan accordingly if you cannot play or something else.

Please add me on LINE (jmontano8421). We are looking for players in Australia and New Zealand or nearby time zones. I suppose we could make exceptions depending on your case. Our alliance is [AUS-D] Aussie Degenerates. You can try to join us through the game without adding me to LINE, but you will be kicked if you don't join LINE. So please... add me first.

PS: We have donation requirements on our board... they are probably there from berfore the merge, we will evaluate when we start doing map 5 again.
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