[-M•D-] Marvels Dimwits - New Sister Alliance to the amazing [-M.M-] Marvels Morons

Hey you there! Over here! Yes, you... come on!
HI! I am Poisonvirgo or Person1035, whatever you want to call me, I have no preferences except that I prefer the former... wait a minute... that doesn't seem to be right........ oh well. *shrugs*
Well, I have discussed with sir boss man of the Morons himself and have decided to create this sister alliance to [-M.M-] Marvels Morons.
So you may be asking, why should you join us of all people? Well first off, we love Deadpool, of course, because... well... since he is Deadpool after all. Also because we are a fun and friendly group that are awesome
, and since we are a sister alliance you will reap extra benefits! You will have the advice of players in a mid to top tier alliance, and they can help you improve with ingame skills and content.
With that said, you must be wondering, what is required of me if I join the Dimwits?
Now, we don't want you all to be mindless phone pressing zombies either, join our fun conversations and have fun being in this amazing family!
With all that said, if you are still here you are you must have some type of our Moronic values inside of you so you should add me ingame at Person1035 or on line at Poisonvirgo, the latter prefered, and you are on your way to becoming a part of the Morons! (Sending me a private message through the forums or leaving a comment below are viable options as well
Now that my fingers hurt from typing, you should go and add me since I have nothing else to say..... See you soon!
HI! I am Poisonvirgo or Person1035, whatever you want to call me, I have no preferences except that I prefer the former... wait a minute... that doesn't seem to be right........ oh well. *shrugs*
Well, I have discussed with sir boss man of the Morons himself and have decided to create this sister alliance to [-M.M-] Marvels Morons.
So you may be asking, why should you join us of all people? Well first off, we love Deadpool, of course, because... well... since he is Deadpool after all. Also because we are a fun and friendly group that are awesome

With that said, you must be wondering, what is required of me if I join the Dimwits?
- Be ready to roll in AQ/AW! We want to get going right away, just starting with the small easy alliance quests, but we need you to be able to participate as well! Don't worry if you can't kill bosses or be a professional fighter that never makes any mistakes, we can help you get better.
- Be active! Very active indeed. Like, you should go and play everyday, move in AQ and AW in a somewhat timely fashion, and contribute to alliance events. The more points the better, we all love ourselves some points and rewards. (Especially those juicy 4* shards) If you have something that will cause you to not be able to whack some opponents in the face, that's ok, just make sure you let us know beforehand!
- Line App! Lets face it, the ingame chat system sucks so we will be using this well known app used by many MCOC players to communicate. This is where we will coordinate AQ, AW, and what events we will be doing in the beginning. Here's the catch though, you should actually pop in a couple times a day and read what we say and join in on some of our glorious banter.
- Be a team player! Hmm, I don't think I made that clear enough. Be a TEAM player. That should do it. Well, this means that if you are told to join a bg and go down a path you should do it, unless you want to suggest that you would fit better elsewhere. If you have any suggestions to improve the alliance experience, say it! We will try to take all suggestions into consideration.
Now, we don't want you all to be mindless phone pressing zombies either, join our fun conversations and have fun being in this amazing family!
With all that said, if you are still here you are you must have some type of our Moronic values inside of you so you should add me ingame at Person1035 or on line at Poisonvirgo, the latter prefered, and you are on your way to becoming a part of the Morons! (Sending me a private message through the forums or leaving a comment below are viable options as well

Now that my fingers hurt from typing, you should go and add me since I have nothing else to say..... See you soon!

I am back with an update on how we have been progressing here at the Dimwits. I didn't expect much when I just created the alliance as it was just me and..... that's it, but now... we have started to build our empire!
First off, we welcome back to the Moron family of alliances the one and only Mikicarter!!! *fireworks and such*
Then, we have to welcome two more second accounts of our Moron family of alliances, one know as the Chinslapper, the other 6GRENDEL5. This now puts out total alliance rating at around 420k rating, which is about 4 times of what it was when I was by my lonesome self.
Now there isn't really much else that is too exciting since there is no AQ or any events ending currently so I will just have to try to convince you some other way.
Soooooo.... here are some amazing accomplishments to try to make you think we are awesome
Next, we love deadpool so thats always a plus! (I hope... please?)
So I'll leave you today with this amazing image of deadpool
Now today is the first day of AQ and we have started our first adventure into map 2! As I am writing this currently we have just taken out the second miniboss and are progressing into section 3 with only a group of 5 people
Another note is that even though we only had around 1 day for arena combat and we had only 4 players we managed to place in the 26-50% bracket for the low alliance tier!
We can't wait for AW and we can't wait for you to join us on our journey!
Contact me at Person1035 in game or Poisonvirgo on line. (Replying here or DM'ming me on the forums work as well)
We welcome two brand new members to our Moron family, Scøøby_Døø and whatthenel, we are building this alliance with unprecedented speed and look forward to grow even more!
The first day of AQ is over, and I am proud to announce that we have successfully managed to 100% explore the map with 5 players!!! Today is day 2 and with 7 players we should have this done without any problem at all.
No events ending today but we already achieved the final milestone in our tier for completion.
AW defense starts tomorrow and I can't wait for us to finally get started! I hope to see you soon
Contact me at Person1035 in game or Poisonvirgo on line. (Replying here or DM'ming me on the forums work as well)
No new morons today, but can't expect to be successful everyday I guess.
Map 2 once again we completed without a problem especially with 7 players. We finally have AW started, today is just placement phase but it is already quite exciting for us! No events ending once again so I'll catch y'all up tonight with completion
Contact me at Person1035 in game or Poisonvirgo on line. (Replying here or DM'ming me on the forums work as well)
Here's a deadpool picture once again for y'all to look at
Today, was not the best day, missed the AQ start time a little and that sucked. Also I will be away for vaca starting tomorrow until Sunday.. so no posts here until I get back, but you can still join by contacting 6GRENDEL5 in game or 6rendel5 on line
Anyhow. Map 2 was a success once again of course with our amazing 7 man team.
Events we crushed it in both SA and completion. Ranking 1-5% in completion and 21-40% in SA. I hope this will provide lots of incentive for y'all to join our great team!
AW attack had also started and we look forward to trying to win
Contact 6GRENDEL5 in game or 6rendel5 on line to join us in our adventure.
AQ was a success in my books, we ended with 3.1mil points and placed 2128 in the beginner bracket. Amazing for a first week score.
AW we suffered a loss on our first AW sadly. However the following one was a win, and we are currently on the way to win our second war.
We look forward for more people to join us in our journey. The more people we have the greater we can be.
Contact Person1035 ingame or Poisonvirgo on line to join us!