Need help...Variant 3. Thoughts?

Hgonz1431Hgonz1431 Member Posts: 28
I have one path left on 3.1 and I can’t seem to take out Rouge. I’ve thrown multiple champs on her and nothing. Closest I got was 29% health with 5* AA r4 level 120. I’m at a crossroads.. I thought I would reverse heal with a 5* CAIW r5 level 200 but no luck... @Kabam Miike any timeline on when Petrify will properly work on Cap again? Thanks!


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,518 ★★★★★
    There works but the node removed the debuff when she dash at u.
  • Owl_0wlOwl_0wl Member Posts: 210
    Will have to be a star lord or guillotine 2099 take down
  • Owl_0wlOwl_0wl Member Posts: 210
    or warlock
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Do you have a ghost? It’s possible with a 4* 5/50 with suicides, full attack boost, and a tech power boost.

    Her L1 animation can be partially phased and heavy punished, and if you fire off an L2 with 2-3 furies you can get back enough power to chain multiple L2s to phase recoil and outdamage the regen
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