Marvel realm of champions

SubExtaByteSubExtaByte Member Posts: 80
So the fifth year anniversary trailer said that the summoner went to the realm of champions
Does this mean that when mroc is out ,we won’t receive updates in mcoc,or it would be shut down? Cause you gotta understand much people don’t like the style of mroc that 3v3 style like the strike force style


  • Jackd1989Jackd1989 Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    there hasn't been any talk of MCOC shutting down, there has been talk of the two games having interlinking stories and crossovers which will be great. I don't think MCOC is going to be shutdown anytime soon
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    MCOC won't be shut down anytime soon.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    U cant really predict the exact style of mroc cuz they already said tht they trying to do some really new, I m really looking forward to it
    As far as updates for mcoc goes it will continue
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    What i feel is that Galactus arrives and he destroy grandmasters little arena. And everything inside it. That means this game.
    And all of us jump into MROC.
    Those who clear act 6 first will go first i guess. And others will have to wait may be.
  • dano357dano357 Member Posts: 106
    MCOC and MROC are separate games that will share some characters and storylines. You'll be can play one or the other, or both (which is what I'm going to do) if you want. MCOC isn't going anywhere, they've been quite clear on this since the announcement of MROC.
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