Issue during AW

I am writing this post about an incident that happened during AW some minutes ago, i was fighting at tile 50 (map at tier 12) and i had Spiderman stark and opponent was Mysterio, during fight i had about 60% health and Mysterio about 50% i threw an sp1 and stunned him and when i dashed to hit him i got K.Oed and now he has about 80%health


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, it sounds like the Reflection Gas Passive that Mysterio gains from his SP1 may have been active at the time. If Mysterio is struck while Reflection Gas is active the incoming damage is stored. Upon expiry 70% of the taken damage is reflected onto the Opponent and Mysterio immediately Regenerates 100% of the damage he took. Reflection Gas lasts for 4 seconds, plus one additional second for each Chemical Gas he has when his SP1 is launched.
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