Anniversary Gift Disappointment



  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre Honesty, potions, revives, and some boosts. Ideally 5 lvl 3 single revives, 5 lvl 2 team revives, 8 lvl 4 (I think that’s the gold one) single potions, and 5 lvl 3 team health potions. As for boosts, three of the 30% attack and health. Maybe 100,000 gold. With variant 4 and 6.4 coming up, that’s exactly what I need and what I think is a fair gift.

    Here's the problem.... Not everyone needs what you need. So how do they appease everyone?
    Totally agree. For example, I would personally be more pleased if they had gave me 15 t1a cats instead of 15k 5* shards. But at the end of the day (even if for me atm 5* shards are useless) it was a good gift.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    The rng odds have become so bad that 5* pulls are almost a guaranteed to be useless
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★

    It's free. You put no effort into those Shards.

    It require a small metabolic effort to move your thumbs and open the game and open the crystals biologically no movement in life is free
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I just added the 15k shards to the stash I’m saving for the new 5* feature crystals next week. 10 shots at Doom without spending any more $$$.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    @Osfan8 I hope you get Doom, I pulled him from Mister Fantastic Cavs and took him right to r5, one of the best champs imo
  • Littlest_DeadpoolLittlest_Deadpool Member Posts: 15
    I'm not complaining... roled a featured 5* and got claire voyant
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★

    @Demonzfyre Honesty, potions, revives, and some boosts. Ideally 5 lvl 3 single revives, 5 lvl 2 team revives, 8 lvl 4 (I think that’s the gold one) single potions, and 5 lvl 3 team health potions. As for boosts, three of the 30% attack and health. Maybe 100,000 gold. With variant 4 and 6.4 coming up, that’s exactly what I need and what I think is a fair gift.

    Also, aside from the boosts, you can get plenty of pots and gold from the halls of heroes quest.
  • NatoradeNatorade Member Posts: 34

    being Proven, I got a 4* and the shards I needed for a 5* crystal and duped flipping Masacre again in the 4* and got Sentinel in the 5* who was right between BPCW and Cyke Blue, either of whom I want. Heck I woulda taken Angela who span by about 15 times on the reel.

    Sentinel is really good, and he has a whole variant designed around him. He’s also an xl champ for variant.
  • AshMoskovAshMoskov Member Posts: 54
    Hoping for 5* AWAKENING GEM...I really want to awaken my stark spidey
  • OrcDovahkiinOrcDovahkiin Member Posts: 323
    Maybe we'll get a Nexus for Christmas day,
  • VantablackVantablack Member Posts: 51
    Damn at least u got a dupe. I pulled a karnak for the first time, no iso or shards. Things can be worse. Just be grateful
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    @Vantablack i would have loved to pull Karnak, new champs are the best
  • GK_23GK_23 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    edited December 2019

    I am really disappointed that the anniversary gift was just 15k shards, I was really hoping it'd be something with guaranteed value and not up to RNG. Some people hit it big and pulled champs like Corvus or BWCV, but plenty people are pulling dupes on Iron Patriots or Iron Fists. I myself got useless dupes on my Dorm and Loki, both of whom were already awakened. You can say I am being salty or ungrateful, but I play this game a lot and I put my money into the game too and it is like a slap to the face to have that rewarded with an RNG mess disguised as a 'thanks for playing' gift. Am I alone in this thought or did other people expect something better for this gift?

    My result was a better one for a change (Stealth Suit Spidey), but I agree 100% that the RNG side of it should not be a factor in a gift received. So I get that you’re thankful for the 15k shards, but the vast difference in what those can turn into is what you’re not thankful for. Simple enough.

    Additionally, I think it’s great that a moderator posted a “Thank you” for even negative feedback.
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    We got 15k shards (if you're cavalier) for FREE and people are complaining.
    If we would have gotten a 5* AG crystal, people would have complained because it's not generic.
    If we would have gotten Rank down tickets, people would have complained because they are not enough.
    If everyone would have gotten a free 6* , people would have complained because they wanted a different champ.

    Learn to value the gifts you receive. They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better? I don't think so.
    Happy 5 years MCOC! And thanks for the free 5* :smile: Didn't pull the best champ (Duped Ronin) but at least I got 6* shards :smiley:
    Here's to another 5! :smile:
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    arsjum said:

    The sense of entitlement in these kinds of posts is so ridiculous that I ended up agreeing with groundedwisdom.

    Whoa...! Now don't get ahead of yourself! Agreeing with GW... Now I think I've heard it all! :wink: lol.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,635 ★★★★★
    for the people saying I did okay getting Sentinel. I don't care. I didn't want him. I wanted a Mystic 5* since I haven't got one or another Skill 5* since I've got a load of Skill Iso to use up.

    and I would've been far happier to get a 4* Night Thrasher or Darkhawk like I expected based on the last three year's rewards of one of the previous December's champions.
  • AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Yeah, I got another useless 5* from this; I haven't pulled anyone good for months and this kind of did it for me.. I don't play the game anymore except for alliance wars and the occasional AQ. Once I'm out of the alliance, whenever that may be, I'll end up deleting the game.

    Its not even just the 5*s. I have 9x 6* and six of them are meme-tier, useless champs. On top of that my rank up gems are useless to me because I keep getting gems for champs I dont have and apparently wont get. It was fun while it lasted, I guess.
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★

    @Demonzfyre Honesty, potions, revives, and some boosts. Ideally 5 lvl 3 single revives, 5 lvl 2 team revives, 8 lvl 4 (I think that’s the gold one) single potions, and 5 lvl 3 team health potions. As for boosts, three of the 30% attack and health. Maybe 100,000 gold. With variant 4 and 6.4 coming up, that’s exactly what I need and what I think is a fair gift.

    Halls of Heroes. Happy now?
  • FRITO_ManFRITO_Man Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    I mean I got Dormammu but he's my 2nd 5* and my first was ant-man. I'm not really disappointed, wished for a god-tier but dormammu has nullify and power lock so that's good I guess :|
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195

    @Demonzfyre you are really going to tell me that another twenty levels on Loki has the same amount of value as pulling a first time domino or warlock? It simply doesn’t. That’s what makes this gift so frustrating is that while everyone essentially got the same thing if you are cavalier, everyone got wildly different value from it.

    Some people seem to want to complain for no reason at all I got a 5* iron Patriot sig 120 dupe I don't care though because it was free I understand getting mad about pulling a horrible champ with a crystal that you actually had to pay for or worked towards specifically getting that crystal thinking you will get a new champ but if it's just kabam giving you it your not entitled to a amazing beyond god tier pull far from that each crystal you open is a new gamble this entire game you gamble alot but that doesn't mean you will win the bet
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Literally a free 5* and a 1/2 and people still complain. This forum is hilarious.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Vdh2008 said:

    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
    That's rational...
  • SpacemanSpaceman Member Posts: 17

    Vdh2008 said:

    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
    That's rational...
    Rational or not, he's right... 1 guy gets a game changing pull like Ghost, Warlock, Nick Fury... Another guy gets Iron Fist or Iron Patriot. That's worth less than nothing and is a huge disappointment. Not worth it.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    I was hoping for some sig stones like the previous three years. Other than that I wasn’t upset about this.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Vdh2008 said:

    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
    That's rational...
    I agree. Arena fodder is nice but not everyone plays arena regularly. I been holding on my r4 skill gem for over a year now. I'm waiting to pull crossbones just in case I need him for character they punish for dishing critical hits. but I might just give up and give to OG black panther.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Spaceman said:

    Vdh2008 said:

    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
    That's rational...
    Rational or not, he's right... 1 guy gets a game changing pull like Ghost, Warlock, Nick Fury... Another guy gets Iron Fist or Iron Patriot. That's worth less than nothing and is a huge disappointment. Not worth it.
    It works the same way for completing content and any other way you get shards. I'd be way more annoyed pulling a trash champ after I explored a chapter in act 6 than getting one for doing literally nothing else than what I'd be doing anyway, logging in. This game is full of RNG EVERYWHERE. If it really bothers you, you should probably be playing other game
    So not sharing your opinion means he needs to find a new game? That Kabam cape is on extra tight huh? lol
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Spaceman said:

    Vdh2008 said:

    IcsGrec said:

    ...They could have very well not given us anything. Would have that been better?...

    In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years.

    But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
    That's rational...
    Rational or not, he's right... 1 guy gets a game changing pull like Ghost, Warlock, Nick Fury... Another guy gets Iron Fist or Iron Patriot. That's worth less than nothing and is a huge disappointment. Not worth it.
    It works the same way for completing content and any other way you get shards. I'd be way more annoyed pulling a trash champ after I explored a chapter in act 6 than getting one for doing literally nothing else than what I'd be doing anyway, logging in. This game is full of RNG EVERYWHERE. If it really bothers you, you should probably be playing other game
    So not sharing your opinion means he needs to find a new game? That Kabam cape is on extra tight huh? lol
    Lol. Everyone not going full outrage over absolutely nothing must agree with everything the developers do?

    I'm saying that if one of the core mechanics this game is built around is that upsetting to you when you had to do absolutely nothing to be this bothered by it, god help us when one of you gets a bad pull from Act 6 rewards
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