Silver Surfer

I've walked all over heroic and master no problem, but for some reason, I cannot seem to beat the something something on Uncollected, I know the node says he is immune to damage from debuffs and if the bs node is up, he can't be beaten unless you knock him down, and even then it only goes down for .5 seconds, knock him down again it extends another .5 seconds etc etc etc.
I've tried AA, parry heavy parry heavy parry heavy parry heavy, so he is constantly getting knocked down, but EVERY time, he heals, EVERY time he doesnt die, tried using Blade, using a heavy into his dash, heals again...doesnt die. Sparky, parry heavy, again he heals, Ghost Rider, same thing, venom, same thing, even used IWIM, I still cannot KILL him, wtf am I doing wrong?
I've tried AA, parry heavy parry heavy parry heavy parry heavy, so he is constantly getting knocked down, but EVERY time, he heals, EVERY time he doesnt die, tried using Blade, using a heavy into his dash, heals again...doesnt die. Sparky, parry heavy, again he heals, Ghost Rider, same thing, venom, same thing, even used IWIM, I still cannot KILL him, wtf am I doing wrong?
I'm all for new nodes and that, but this one, just seems like it was designed to both annoy the hell out of people and farm them for as much cash as possible.