1* Arena, Variant 4.3.2 help

GivMeABeerGivMeABeer Member Posts: 203 ★★
There's a bit of discussion on the 1* champ issue for V4. I think a reasonable "fix" for this could be a 1 time arena for 1* champ crystals or a crystal that give's a chance for gold/BC/1* champ. Rather than just a 50 units crystal I think this would be a good compromise for everyone.


  • Crazyblaze47Crazyblaze47 Member Posts: 20
    At least make the drop rates friendlier. 20% chance for a one star when it’s the only way to get it late game is a real gut punch.
  • lozzadudelozzadude Member Posts: 170
    I'm not spending 50 units on a hero crystal with only a 20% at a 1*. I have every single 2* in the basic crystal at max sig level. I am missing 3x 1*s. I could spend 1000s of units & not get the champs I want.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    They’ve already said that they have no intention of changing arena or crystal drop rates just for a single piece of permanent content.

    No one is forcing you to take a gamble with the current hero crystals, they are there if you’d rather not want to wait for future 1* events.
  • Crazyblaze47Crazyblaze47 Member Posts: 20
    Seems shiesty though to charge that much for something required to finish late game content that was handed out by the handful early game. All that’s doing is punishing developed accounts for selling an otherwise useless part of the game.
  • Crazyblaze47Crazyblaze47 Member Posts: 20
    Seatin’s got it dialed in. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kKXZLbYP9sE
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