Grandmaster crystal clarification

I am truely not trying to repeat any questions already asked about this crystal but I couldn't find a clear answer anywhere.
When this crystal is released I understand you can buy it for 200 units and also get it from calendars. My question is will it be replacing premium hero shards or will we still be opening up premium hero crystals from event quests and arena and such.
Regardless of the answer I support this crystal! So please if you don't support it or have anything constructive to add please refraine from being yourself on this post.
When this crystal is released I understand you can buy it for 200 units and also get it from calendars. My question is will it be replacing premium hero shards or will we still be opening up premium hero crystals from event quests and arena and such.
Regardless of the answer I support this crystal! So please if you don't support it or have anything constructive to add please refraine from being yourself on this post.