Spider man

Anyome have any tips on how to get spider man stark enhanced version?


  • mokopilo789mokopilo789 Member Posts: 5
    Just need some help
  • mokopilo789mokopilo789 Member Posts: 5
    I just need some suggestions guyys I would really appreciate it
  • VartoxVartox Member Posts: 202
    Wait till november
  • mokopilo789mokopilo789 Member Posts: 5
    Vartox why? I'm not following
  • Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Member Posts: 352 ★★
    His featured arena is over, so you'll need to either wait till...

    October (not sure on the exact date, guessing later in the month) for him to be available in crystals; not a guarantee method to get him, cost effective but filled with dissapointment.


    ~January 2018 for his basic arena; I rather not speculate on what the cutoff might be, but consider that popular champs like him currently go for around 6.5-7 mil, so expect that number to rise as people's rosters improve in 5 months.

    Be well.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    Yes. You may have to wait until he comes back as Basic, or if you get extremely lucky, you could roll him as Subfeatured in the Featured Crystals. Chances are very low.
  • mokopilo789mokopilo789 Member Posts: 5
    Thx I really appreciate it
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