
Anyone else refuse to continue their progression in act 6 due to Mr. Sinister boss in 6.2.2. I mean this is the definition of a cash grab. I had an easier time running through the entire Labyrinth of Legends than this one fight! Getting through the quest is no problem for streamers and people willing to spend the necessary funds to either stack their roster with every champ in the game or purchase an infinite of useless revives. But on a realistic scale that is the most ridiculous and unfair fight I have ever faced. My progression is at an indefinite stand still until something can change or god bless, I become a millionaire.
Doing that fight 10 times for 100% literally cost me more than 100% 6.3
6.2 was a massive blunder by Kabam and I hope they go back and fix it so future players don't have to deal with the nonsense we did.