Act 5 Chapter2 quest 4

My username is King Sohan
I am currently on act 5 chp 2 quest 4 lines in sand I was going to defeat the boss but then there was an ambush of a yellow jacket and even after losing 57%of its health by my archangel it was showing that its health was full .
I wasted all my units, my revives and my health portions.
And still I could reach the boss Strom
Could any one of you all deliver this message to the gaming team or kabam


  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    It is not a bug i also encountered the yellowjacket ambush in act 5.1.4 it is not a bug there is a chance that you might get ambushed by someone in act 5 story quest
  • KingSohanKingSohan Member Posts: 7
    On YouTube there was no ambush
  • KingSohanKingSohan Member Posts: 7
    What about its regenerating its health even after the loss of 57%health
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    Kingsohan there is small% chance to get ambushed
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    As far as i can remember i didnt faced any yellow jacket ambush. But there was someone else.
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