Bugged Vision

When do you think about fixing this?
Cant use my Vision in AQ the second time.
I understand that this bug makes you cash, because the Vision Users have to go with another Champ in AQ or take more damage because of longer fights, so its okay and expectable that you dont emergency fix it like Bugs which cost you income...
but please.... 3 Weeks? seriously?
Cant use my Vision in AQ the second time.
I understand that this bug makes you cash, because the Vision Users have to go with another Champ in AQ or take more damage because of longer fights, so its okay and expectable that you dont emergency fix it like Bugs which cost you income...
but please.... 3 Weeks? seriously?
Known bug for 3 Weeks now and nothing has changed or fixed
Ok guess I am just lucky then. It wasn't working at all for me for the better part of the last week and it has been all day today.