Alliance Quest bracket promotion to Advanced is gone...back to Normal bracket!

Our alliance completed 4 quests in the same quest session 2 weeks ago. We ranked in the 1,200 range and received the bracket promotion reward to the "Advanced" bracket! That was our goal and we were all excited to reach it!!
We did not participate in the last quest session due to players on vacation etc. I went in today to plan to start one in our new Advanced bracket and noticed that we are now back down at the "normal" bracket level! Why?
We worked so hard to get that reward and I cannot find anything regarding demotion back down a bracket level. Is this a glitch or am I missing something???


  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Doodle914 wrote: »
    Our alliance completed 4 quests in the same quest session 2 weeks ago. We ranked in the 1,200 range and received the bracket promotion reward to the "Advanced" bracket! That was our goal and we were all excited to reach it!!
    We did not participate in the last quest session due to players on vacation etc. I went in today to plan to start one in our new Advanced bracket and noticed that we are now back down at the "normal" bracket level! Why?
    We worked so hard to get that reward and I cannot find anything regarding demotion back down a bracket level. Is this a glitch or am I missing something???

    If you do not participate you get bumped back down.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    An alliance cannot sit out a quest series. Even though none of your members joined your alliance score of 0 points counted towards last quest round. You don't see rank demotion because that is sent with the AQ rewards which you only get for participation in AQ. If you would have started 1 map and all joined but never attacked you would have got the lowest rank rewards and seen the rank demotion
  • Doodle914Doodle914 Member Posts: 6
    Really. What qualifies as participation, 1 quest in a 5 day session or more?
    Appreciate the assistance!
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Here is the advanced bracket. Not participating probably made you a part of the bottom 1700 that got bumped back down to Normal tier. Did you get any rewards last week?
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Doodle914 wrote: »
    Really. What qualifies as participation, 1 quest in a 5 day session or more?
    Appreciate the assistance!

    Technically yes that would have qualified. You could have even probably ran map 1 every day of last AQ since it only takes 3 people to complete that map.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★
    As long as you join 1 map and are in the alliance long enough that's participation
  • Doodle914Doodle914 Member Posts: 6
    No, we were not active in the Alliance Quests last week. Seems I mistakenly assumed that if you don't enter a quest, then you are not competing so there was no chance to adversely affect our standing.
    Appreciate the insight!!
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