Can't seem to bait specials in arena. Not a bug as far as i can tell.

SkimbobborSkimbobbor Member Posts: 127
Hello, i am a relatively new player and i guess i don't quite understand how to bait specials. i haven't had trouble until now but obviously i am doing SOMETHING wrong (for reference to my progression i have parry and evade but nothing else game changing). my problem is that EVERY enemy i have fought in the last 2 rounds of arena (and the 1v1 fights i do on crystal arena days) has used nothing but their special 3 (except OG vision and ms marvel) and i try to get them to use it by evading then walking toward them, not blocking unless i HAVE to, but everyone is just refusing to use anything but the L3 special. i could really use ANY tips people have when it comes to baiting specials in the arena because my last grind was absolute hell.


  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Baiting is not a game mechanic (not a result of it being coded into the game like basic attacks). It's basiially you running the clock that's programmed into the AI to use their specials. That's how I think of it. Each bar of power for each champ has a different chance to activate probably with a timer. It can just flat out seem like the AI is saving for a 3rd special.

    I'll tell you how I "bait" though. When they block, I go in for dash attack, then I dash back and block for a second or 2. Then repeat. You block to see what the AI does.

    If that doesn't work you're just getting really bad luck with the RNG. It has nothing to do with skill or you are not bad in this game.
  • SkimbobborSkimbobbor Member Posts: 127
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    I'll tell you how I "bait" though. When they block, I go in for dash attack, then I dash back and block for a second or 2. Then repeat. You block to see what the AI does.
    this is something i never thought to try, always thought that if i ran into their face enough times it would work. ill give it a try thank you.

  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    No problemo
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,292 ★★★★★
    I basically give up baiting and just fight them as if special 3 is disabled. I seem to win more than lose.

  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I have he same problem as you.
    Now, I'm trying to get them to 3 sp without taking any damage. Most of the time I survive, unless I'm in a deathmatch, wich is very rareley.
    Sometimes, i'm trying the same approch as Jon8299.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Well its around streak 9-14 that the AI will only use a sp3 before using any other special
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