I remember when I became Uncollected, it wasn't until the next day when the login calendar time that it changed. Try waiting until then. If it hasn't changed by then, I would contact support.
Don't sweat it! You won't be popping a ton more 4s or very many 5s from em so no hurry to throw away units on grandmasters! I just hoarded up 35 and got zero 5s. That's 7000 units worth of garbage i didn't need. Got a 4 star crystal built and popped a 4 star mysterio that was a new champ to me! But not worth 7000 units! He he came out of the 4 star shard crystal built from grandmasters! The drop rates suck lemmons! Kabam needs to adjust them! Upward for 4 and 5s! Bad enough you can't get t2 alphas fast enough, t4b fast enough or t5b in a reasonable amount of time to finish ranking a 5...so...nothing much will change for you! Same frustrations, same lousy rng, same lousy drop rates! But congratulations on making uncollected! Unfortunately, it really doesn't make much difference.
Also, if you are light on 3 stars and have a bunch missing...count on growing your three star roster for a long time before you start even seeing 4 star shards out of the grandmasters. I am lucky. I have everybody so the crystal has to at least give me 4 star shards...if your 3 roster isn't huge that will not be the case for you. So be patient. Not sure what your expectations were but you have arrived...purgatory!
I had the same problem a few months ago but it was with the grandmasters crystals calendar not switching from the premium crystals calendar. I had to contact support and they fixed the issue and gave me a gmc.