What’s the difference between The Battlerealm and Battleworld

Ever since the release of the trailer for Marvel Realm of Champions (MROC), I’ve noticed that it takes place on BattleWorld. It probably gets explained in Act 4 but I read those transmissions a long time ago and have probably forgot them all. So if anyone would be kind enough to explain what the difference is between The Battlerealm and BattleWorld it would be very helpful. Also I’ve heard about the Maestro dying on BattleWorld, I wonder what that’s about too and apparently his death caused this secret war that the trailer talks about? And apparently Thanos was the one who banished the Maestro to BattleWorld maybe?
Is the planet in the middle Battleworld? I found this photo on the first video of the Story So Far
Just because Mr Fantastic was trying to summon Galactus doesn't mean it's him that's going to show up. He could easily accidentally summon someone else.
I'm going to answer your questions in this way: imagine, at the end of this month's EQ, there's a final line of dialogue: "The Story Continues..."
Or possibly (taking a leaf from the James Bond films) "The Silver Surfer will return in..."