Looking for a new Alliance

Not familiar with AQ map 6, but not against trying. Pretty good champs, defense and offense. Looking for a team that’s dedicated and chilled at the same time.

Line ID: G DUB P (EST)


  • Reign668Reign668 Member Posts: 136
    Hey if you have line hit me up so we can chat, reign669
  • Puk_SopranoPuk_Soprano Member Posts: 465
    edited January 2020
    Cant find u on Line...

    Add me puk_soprano
  • skirtskirt23skirtskirt23 Member Posts: 2
    you can join mine, but i’m getting started, and trying to, and i’ll add you. user: skirt skirt 23
  • OhShinyOhShiny Member Posts: 48
    I can’t find you either. Look me up, Line ID ohshiny and ign is Shiny!

  • Major4Major4 Member Posts: 191
    If you are still looking
    Add Line id: Major4
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