Mutants recruiting map 5 players LFM

Mutants is looking to recruit new members for map 5 gold 2/3. 3 bg aq 2bg aw. Good laid back group of knowledgeable people. 66k gold 4.4kloyalty. very active alliance, being inactive results in removal. Discord required, add me in game: theycallmedude or on discord: @theycallmedude#5898

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • skirtskirt23skirtskirt23 Member Posts: 2
    what’s is the alliance’s name, and is it pub? also i’m looking for an active alliance that isn’t bad. I’ll be adding you on discord certainly, my discord is Zachattach448 #8638
  • TheycallmedudeTheycallmedude Member Posts: 25
    I sent you a FR on discord. You can look me up in game for alliance. theycallmedude is my ign
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