P3/P4 30mill ally recruiting!

Super chill P3/P4 ally (we have been P3 more times than P4 but ended P4 this season). We are looking for a few players to join us.
We run map 5 x 5 for aq.
A lot of us have been together for a really long time so we like to just hang out WHILE getting **** done.
HMU if you are interested and want to chat more.
Line ID: ohshiny (im up at night), behemoth187 (he’s up during the day), or Zer0bits.

We run map 5 x 5 for aq.
A lot of us have been together for a really long time so we like to just hang out WHILE getting **** done.

Line ID: ohshiny (im up at night), behemoth187 (he’s up during the day), or Zer0bits.
