Kabaam banned me for their mistake

Dear kabaam, today I received a notice of ban in the amount of 168 hrs. I can only assume that this is due to errors made by kabaam in issuing quest rewards. I personally have run all monthly quest to 100%. This includes 1 time thru easy in which you erroneously paid me rewards due to your error. I did not Run the paths over and over and was simply trying to complete in game content. I have never used any systems or apps and have play d this game religiously for 3 years. In addition to my time I have spent thousands of dollars building a roster. To ban a player for your mistake is border line illegal as you are now stealing from me. I can no longer collect my daily 5* card or my daily catalyst card. These alone of cost me $200. I have never received any noticed in the past! I am strongly requesting my account be reviewed and corrected immediately. In your thread you indicated items would be taken back. I'm ok with that and have not used the items paid out. Again this is your error and I did nothing other then complete In game content. Please advise me what actions will be done to correct your error!!! Jpm-doc
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Did you notice that you were getting rewards that you usually wouldn't be getting? Because, I mean, playing religiously, you'd realize something weird was going on, right? Didn't think to send Kabam support a message asking if there was a glitch?
Exploits in this case is like, repeating the same line (already explored) over and over again.
Just completing unexplored paths should be "okay"...
^^ Thats a quote from Adora... They didnt ban anyone who played the content as normal, only those who re-ran quests over and over again
In addition they have acknowledged that people could have this happen unknowingly by completing i game content as shown in kabaams own thread!
Please note that our team will not disclose the reasons as to why your account was banned.