Looking For a New Alliance
Hey everyone, I've been playing MCOC for quite some time now but still haven't found a long term alliance. I've typically seen alliances as a secondary part of the game and not paid as much attention to it, instead focusing on the solo content. But now I've had a change of heart and am looking for a long-term alliance that I can help better and that can help better my account. I think I can run Map 6 or 5, I will post my top champs below, and if I'm wrong please telle what map you think I should be running. I am not to sure on all the specifics of alliance content but am a quick learner and also fairly decent at the game. If you think your alliance and me would be a good fit please let me know below or add me in game, my gamer tag is G3ckoChamp. I really want to find an alliance that will last long term and one that can help me progress my account but also one that I can help.