Anyone else have a class they CANNOT get away from when opening gems or catalyst?

Cx8Cx8 Member Posts: 77
Out of all the 5* awakening gems I have opened (5) they have literally ALL been mystic, like wtf. I’m pissed. I have used 3 on champions and one of them doesn’t even need it (doom). There are barely any good mystics who need an awakening and I have every other class of champions I can use one on


  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    I've opened alot more then that but
    6 cosmic
    3 science
    1 mutant
    No tech
    2 mystic
    No skill
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    I have 3 cosmic and 2 tech.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    science, every since I awakened and maxed out my only good science I keep getting useless catalysts but I seem to get every class sig stone except science!!!
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I’ve opened one of every class but the most is cosmic believe it’s 4
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I win...I have a 6* r2 duped Warlock and
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Tech awakening gems and tech 2015 or 2015/2016 gems have a large advantage
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Cosmic R3 gems
    Mystic R4 gems
  • donaldmousedonaldmouse Member Posts: 16
    I keep getting t4 mystic cc
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    I keep getting 5 star tech awakening gems...! One could be utilized for a good champ, otherwise I haven't really had any solig options. But I got impatient and used two of them on less good champs... Other classes I've had to wait until I've duped them from a crystal-opening. Luckily I duped my 5 star Hyperion that way, and Omega Red.
  • OrcDovahkiinOrcDovahkiin Member Posts: 323
    Keep duping every skill champ literally and not getting Nick, Ægon or Blade, but can't complain I love my roster
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    Mystic T4CC at capacity (I have never seen map5 and dont even AW/AQ) and top it off, a mystic gem from december.

    I have loki and mordo.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★

    Cosmic cats. I hate them. I rarely get good cosmic champs worth ranking. I needed 4 Tech cats to R5 my Warlock once I get a couple more t2a. Out of 30 I opened I got 2 Tech and 17 Cosmic which I was already maxed out. Traded a lot of 3 for 1 and opened all my shards to get the other 2. Wasted a lot of resources to get 4 Techs.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    mutants and cosmic.

    I have more mutants than Xavier has in his school.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Yeah I have 4 mystic AGs (after using two on Doom and Claire) and just blew on on UC for the hell of it. It really sucks when you get the same class over and over again.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,256 ★★★★★
    we all been there. I had a huge mystic gem problem and it was especially terrible because it is the worse class. I had 8 r4 mystic champions due to gems. Just hold, eventually you'll get dr. doom and Sym supreme and all the other good mystics that have been added recently.
  • Saru2244Saru2244 Member Posts: 183
    I am amazed about this Threat, because in the german Discussions we have the same Question and there the Discussion was closed, because the Moderator says that there ist no need to talk about. Everything ist Ok and works fine. So Discussion closed. But the Thing is:

    I have 1 or max two T4 of each Type, but 18 Mystic? Normal? Every Time I open a Crystal, i know it will be Mystic and then it is a Mystic. But the Thing is: I never draw a Mystic Champ. I have over 50 5* Champs: Vodoo and Hood and Magic. That´s it. Three out of 50 Champs, but 18 out of 23 T4? I am not good at Maths but this seems to be very unlikely.

    I think that there is something wrong with the Mechanic. Maby not permament but in some Chases for sure.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 880 ★★★
    Yup. I'm maxed out on Mystic t4cc and every variant I do I get Mystic rank up gems. It happens to everyone by design. For the longest time it was cosmic everything. Its whatever you need the least you get the most. lol
  • CatapoulpeCatapoulpe Member Posts: 101
    Opened 8 AG, 5 are mutants...
  • Cranky_TrumpCranky_Trump Member Posts: 263
    I get lots of tech champs (not complaining) but few tech rank up stuff

    Lots of mystic gems, but no great champs to use them on
  • Leonjr8719Leonjr8719 Member Posts: 146
    Got 2 science ag’s. First 5 star science was yj who I duped right after. I’ve been praying for a capiw sure enough last crystal I do pull a science champ.... antman. Fml lol
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 137 ★★
    I've opened 3 Skill gems and 1 cosmic(the cosmic went into Hyperion who i duped a week later). Catalyst wise I pulled Skill and tech constantly(to a point where I have CW BP and Vulture at 5* r3) yet character wise I pull Mutant and cosmics.
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  • R_D_JrR_D_Jr Member Posts: 49
    Yea I have 3 skill ag 4 mystic and 3 r5 mutant from variants the class I don't want
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    I just can't get a skill to awaken my 5* Ægon for the life of me
  • ZverceZverce Member Posts: 76
    Cx8 said:

    Out of all the 5* awakening gems I have opened (5) they have literally ALL been mystic, like wtf. I’m pissed. I have used 3 on champions and one of them doesn’t even need it (doom). There are barely any good mystics who need an awakening and I have every other class of champions I can use one on

    For 5* champs def skill class, for rank up gems mystics
  • edited January 2020
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