Anyone else have a class they CANNOT get away from when opening gems or catalyst?

Out of all the 5* awakening gems I have opened (5) they have literally ALL been mystic, like wtf. I’m pissed. I have used 3 on champions and one of them doesn’t even need it (doom). There are barely any good mystics who need an awakening and I have every other class of champions I can use one on

6 cosmic
3 science
1 mutant
No tech
2 mystic
No skill
Mystic R4 gems
I have loki and mordo.
Cosmic cats. I hate them. I rarely get good cosmic champs worth ranking. I needed 4 Tech cats to R5 my Warlock once I get a couple more t2a. Out of 30 I opened I got 2 Tech and 17 Cosmic which I was already maxed out. Traded a lot of 3 for 1 and opened all my shards to get the other 2. Wasted a lot of resources to get 4 Techs.
I have more mutants than Xavier has in his school.
I have 1 or max two T4 of each Type, but 18 Mystic? Normal? Every Time I open a Crystal, i know it will be Mystic and then it is a Mystic. But the Thing is: I never draw a Mystic Champ. I have over 50 5* Champs: Vodoo and Hood and Magic. That´s it. Three out of 50 Champs, but 18 out of 23 T4? I am not good at Maths but this seems to be very unlikely.
I think that there is something wrong with the Mechanic. Maby not permament but in some Chases for sure.
Lots of mystic gems, but no great champs to use them on