Just me or is Game Speed faster...

MilesHolmwoodMilesHolmwood Member Posts: 233 ★★
Since the update it feels like the game speed has been increased. Or am I losing my mind?


  • LLStashLLStash Member Posts: 132
    It happens to me sometime after I wake up
    Maybe it’s just my body slower due to sleep
    Anyways I like it when that happens
    It makes the champions look more badass
  • jsjsjs13jsjsjs13 Member Posts: 32
    I think so too, it seems faster in almost all aspects, when travelling through quest nodes, loading times, even when fighting, I use Hyperion a lot and throwing his heavy seems to execute faster (just an example, the same for all hits and every champ).
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    I've experienced before that the game (that usually lags a bit on my android) suddenly flows better, and slightly quicker, for half an hour or so. But it only happened a while back, a couple of updates back. So maybe it's been solved. It seemed like some sort of a bug when it happened, not sure what caused it. But it was like the game suddenly got all the processor power of my phone and nothing else disturbed it. It was always temporary I'm sad to say, and then went back to it's original laggy state. It was easier to time parry and evade in that "mode".
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    As capt Nietsch says. I love those moments of smooth running bliss.
  • WoogieboogieWoogieboogie Member Posts: 340 ★★

    Since the update it feels like the game speed has been increased. Or am I losing my mind?

    So your mad that the lag issue was fixed? 🤔😑
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Yeah I think this happens on Android
    Lots of people have mentioned this before
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