Acorn basket question

LazuliLazuli Member Posts: 94
So there’s 4 a day from the calendar so does that mean only 28 for the entire month? So we can only do uncollected 7 times? Is the calendar actually only a week long? 28 seems a little low for the whole month & feels like the side event will be over extremely fast if that’s the case, or does the nutty calendar reset next week and we get more baskets? Sorry if i’m missing something


  • Crumb3307Crumb3307 Member Posts: 347 ★★
    I’m guessing it’ll reset, otherwise the event is over after 1 week
  • Crumb3307Crumb3307 Member Posts: 347 ★★
    It says 6 days remaining, but my cavalier calendar says 4 days, so that’ll probably reset the way cavalier, uncollected and regular weekly quest resets
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