Quake evade not working

Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 243 ★★
edited January 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
Is there anyway that some in game testers can have a look at quake. I’m noticing more and more as I’ve been using her more often that she’s not 100% evading while concussion is active, I’ve checked against nodes, champs I’m fighting and in quest, arena and war it’s happening more often the more I utilise her. It’s costing me a bunch of potions in war and questing to heal her up because I’m taking hits that shouldn’t be happening. While I’m not asking for compensation etc I just want her looking at and fixing so it’s not gonna cost me resources in the future. She’s a great champ and is so helpful in so many different matchups, I don’t wanna have to get to the point where I stop using her


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  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Jestress said:

    you'll need to provide them with specific fights, matchups, nodes, videos if possible. they can't do anything with general claims.

    That’s why I asked them to test her I can’t go and video every fight in the off chance it happens. But my last fight against symbiote supreme, there is nothing in his notes that suggest he ignores concussion or evade and just smashes through my heavy. This has happened in fights where there is no node buffs active against normal champs like dormammu, abomination to name a few
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  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    For some reason I can’t seem to upload videos from my iphone so I’ve taken some screenshots

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  • KeihejiKeiheji Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    I know this post is old but months later I'm realizing I'm having the same issue with quake. I been getting these problems while in AW with the mini boss nodes, and it would happen while I'm on the corner and the opponent does a medium dash attack from afar. It happened to me when against sentinel, Dr doom, annihilus, champs with no true strike capabilities on nodes that don't indicate otherwise. I really hope this is being looked into
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Keiheji said:

    I know this post is old but months later I'm realizing I'm having the same issue with quake. I been getting these problems while in AW with the mini boss nodes, and it would happen while I'm on the corner and the opponent does a medium dash attack from afar. It happened to me when against sentinel, Dr doom, annihilus, champs with no true strike capabilities on nodes that don't indicate otherwise. I really hope this is being looked into

    I have not had this problem before please provide a video or screenshots
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  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 243 ★★

    Looking at OP pics, and it looks like vtd was using a heavy, which she cant evade even with concussion I think. I just used her for several quests and the only times she missed were my fault.

    Definitely wasn’t a heavy. The screenshots are of a dash attack. You’ll notice that if you look at the slideshow underneath. I would of posted a video but I’m not uploading it onto YouTube just to post it on here

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  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Yeah I had the same problem, I thought it was just Ability Accuracy reduction but apparently not.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    I can't create new posts, but if you dual drax with any quake, charging heavy, you will see that something has *definitely* been done to quake in this update.

    The interaction actually made me laugh out loud :-)
  • Mike8mn123dudeMike8mn123dude Member Posts: 33
    I've had the same issue with my Quake.
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