1 million Acorns Without Doing Epic Acornucopia

If you have tried the epic acornucopia difficulty level and you are finding it difficult to get through it or feel that you are using too many potions and revives then you can still get a million acorns without doing this difficulty.
The first scenario shows an attempt at the epic difficult (considering you got past the first 6 fights) with the total being 1,009,225 acorns and considering you login everyday for nutty calendar rewards:
All Objectives - 200,000
Calendar (Acorns) - 50,000
Calendar (Baskets) - 112
Normal (100% explore) - 50,000
Heroic (100% explore) - 50,000
Master (100% explore) - 100,000
Uncollected (Chapter 1) - 40,000
3* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 25,000
Acornucopia (Epic first 3 fights) - 6,429
Acornucopia (Master complete) - 437,796
4* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 50,000
The second scenario shows not doing the epic acornucopia difficulty with the total being 1,015,069 acorns and considering you login everyday for nutty calendar rewards:
All Objectives - 200,000
Calendar (Acorns) - 50,000
Calendar (Baskets) - 112
Normal (100% explore) - 50,000
Heroic (100% explore) - 50,000
Master (100% explore) - 100,000
Uncollected (Chapter 1) - 40,000
3* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 25,000
Acornucopia (Master complete) - 449,957
Acornucopia (Normal complete 1 run) - 112
4* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 50,000
The final 50,000 acorns (i.e the 4* arena run) can easily be switched out for 60,000 acorns (Uncollected chapter 2, 100% explore) if you are not the type to want to grind arena but feel that you can handle fully exploring chapter 2 of uncollected difficulty which would increase the total number of acorns you can earn in each scenario by 10,000 i.e. scenario 1 would be a total of 1,019,225 and scenario 2 would be a total of 1,025,069. These totals also leave some room to skip certain objectives such as the rank up a 2* 20 times
I hope that this will help people who want to reach a million acorns and are struggling to do the epic acornucopia by providing a different solution where most of the content can be handled by anyone (even people who recently became Uncollected)
The first scenario shows an attempt at the epic difficult (considering you got past the first 6 fights) with the total being 1,009,225 acorns and considering you login everyday for nutty calendar rewards:
All Objectives - 200,000
Calendar (Acorns) - 50,000
Calendar (Baskets) - 112
Normal (100% explore) - 50,000
Heroic (100% explore) - 50,000
Master (100% explore) - 100,000
Uncollected (Chapter 1) - 40,000
3* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 25,000
Acornucopia (Epic first 3 fights) - 6,429
Acornucopia (Master complete) - 437,796
4* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 50,000
The second scenario shows not doing the epic acornucopia difficulty with the total being 1,015,069 acorns and considering you login everyday for nutty calendar rewards:
All Objectives - 200,000
Calendar (Acorns) - 50,000
Calendar (Baskets) - 112
Normal (100% explore) - 50,000
Heroic (100% explore) - 50,000
Master (100% explore) - 100,000
Uncollected (Chapter 1) - 40,000
3* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 25,000
Acornucopia (Master complete) - 449,957
Acornucopia (Normal complete 1 run) - 112
4* Arena (4 Arena Runs getting all milestones) - 50,000
The final 50,000 acorns (i.e the 4* arena run) can easily be switched out for 60,000 acorns (Uncollected chapter 2, 100% explore) if you are not the type to want to grind arena but feel that you can handle fully exploring chapter 2 of uncollected difficulty which would increase the total number of acorns you can earn in each scenario by 10,000 i.e. scenario 1 would be a total of 1,019,225 and scenario 2 would be a total of 1,025,069. These totals also leave some room to skip certain objectives such as the rank up a 2* 20 times
I hope that this will help people who want to reach a million acorns and are struggling to do the epic acornucopia by providing a different solution where most of the content can be handled by anyone (even people who recently became Uncollected)

@Tendersquad yes you keep any acorns earned (tried and tested) i.e if your squad is dead and you don't want to revive or use potions and exit the quest you keep all acorns earned from all completed previous fights
You can do Master 37 times during the whole event. that's 12200 x 37 which is 451400 + 100k for 100% Master, 100k for 100% Heroic and Normal and then you'd need to also do the first 2 chapters of UC 100% to get another 100k which puts you at 751400. Do all the missions and you get another 200k putting you at 951400, and you get 50k free throughout the month just for logging in putting you at over 1 million. Hope my math is correct.
@Tiger360 you would just be shy 43 acorns as master actually pays out 12161 each round not 12200 which would give you a total of 999,957 which you can easily bum up to 1 million by hitting the second milestone in one of the featured arenas
@Tiger360 yeah but you never know who might take it literally