I need power control! Who tho?

Ice_and_FireIce_and_Fire Member Posts: 220
edited January 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I am having difficulty with the big power gain nodes and my void cannot get to his debuff in time to stop the flow. Need to introduce a power guy to the ranking list. Here's my rosters options. Feel free to leave a comment! Or if there is a better pc champ out there let me know. Thanks.

I need power control! Who tho? 53 votes

5* Psylocke r3
MegaSkater67TendersquadPeterQuillThi101LazuliMassapealdpatel21 7 votes
5* Dormammu r1
zuffyDuffMcGruffChewie420 3 votes
5* Hawkeye r2
SaiyanTheVyrusNEO_mr_AndersonLibralonixDOKTOROKTOPUSBrokendoctorbNichj99 8 votes
5* Nebula r2
5* Winter soldier r3
5* Sym Supreme r1
AjisdopeTaZ_4178TehsigzorzAmazing_Demon05MiStaLovaGiodood_1IbbyNightbat216TheToxicCactusFF4_Two_In_One 10 votes
5* Gwenpool r3
MoNsTeR_804 1 vote
5* Green Gobs r1
5* Doc Oc r1
Haji_SaabMrLalowHendrossHammerbro_64RoOOtsPseudouberSantaGulkTJ107IvarTheBonelessTheSquish671WoogieboogieDes99Suman_sahAObaid_Jacob03PerceptronAaronc94RU11011Ewell65SSS69Ctfz35Ya_Boi_28 24 votes


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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    edited January 2020
    5* Sym Supreme r1
    Pls dont get psylocke up before SS and Doc Oc unless you are in love with her. Also I want to change my ranking to doc oc after reading the first sentence
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    5* Doc Oc r1
    u can use psylocke, dormamu & hawkeye, but dont upgrade more than r3... doctor octopus (better when duped) is best choice from all those, sym supreme (for fighting cosmics in power gain node) & gwenpool can do the job but in very limited time...
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  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    5* Doc Oc r1
    Doc oc is still underrated in this game even tho he has been getting some more love lately. Really fun to use, good power control and heal block and amazing spite counter. Fighting spite with him feels like fighting with dash vulnerability
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,935 ★★★★
    5* Hawkeye r2
    My favorite is Hawkeye. Relatively easy and quick power control sp1 with bonus of DOT. If u time it right, u can get ur first sp1 b4 enemy.
    5 combo, 3 combo, 5 combo then sp1 b4 enemy.
    Sometimes even use him against bleed immune for power control.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    5* Doc Oc r1
    Doc Ock has some very nice power control. I would go him.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    5* Hawkeye r2
    I've chosen HE, because he's still the best, overall, power control champ in your list.
    But, if you have 3+pts in Mystic Dispertion, go with SS.
  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    5* Gwenpool r3
    Gwenpool. Her enervate is beast and the fact that you can absorb a bleed to refresh the enervate is a really good mechanic.
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