What would you do with this roster?

Getting close to my next rank 5 5* (only a few acorns away from t5b #2) or I could hold to r2 a 6*. Who would you rank and y? Also if you see some one who should go to r4 first feel free to add that as well! I am cavalier, but have not done 6.2 or lol. I have a completion run on all variants except 1 and variant 2 is 100%. 

Thought I’d add this to show the rest of my 5*s
Starky blade Luke cage -> aq
Domino rulk venom -> aw
And yeah my crystal luck is up and down lately I have had some good pulls, but for the longest time my r4 roster was x23 nebula venom Rulk and starky! None duped except rulk lol