R4 Dilemma

YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
which of these champs shud I r4?

1.Unduped Loki
2.Unduped Dr Strange
3.Duped Guillotine
4.Duped Electro
5.Cap WW2 unduped
6.Spiderman classic duped
7.RR duped


  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    left out vision aou unduped and symb spidey
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,106 ★★★★★
    If I am in your position I will rank the awakened champ; it will be Guillotine.

    My skills are not there to handle the weak defense of both Elektro and RR.

    Spider-man's evade can throw me off-balance.
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    WWII is R5 material, he's also good unduped. He's a contender, especially if you have some science sig stones and might throw an awakening gem on him later. I have him at R5 duped and love him, end-game champ for sure.

    I also have Guillotine at R4 duped and would R5 her if SW wasn't ahead of her in the queue. Guillotine is a fantastic attacker, love playing with her. Great bleed, heal reversal on SP2, small (unreliable) self-heal. You can't go wrong with her either.

    Got Loki duped and, though stealing buffs is fun, I haven't found a way to make it game-changing. Don't have Strange but I've heard he sucks now, and not duped anyway. Don't have Electro, no comment. Spidey duped is defence only for me, and I'm guessing you're ranking attackers right now. RR, great SP2, but I think he has very limited use.
  • AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
    Guillotine and WW2 are your best options. AOU Vision would be a good choice when u dupe him.
  • RealPastorRealPastor Member Posts: 82
    WW2! Even undupped. Second - Guillotine for Wolw and his regen friends:)
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    so palanthraz and realpastor..u say that I shud r4 cap or guilly?
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    And btw..my ign is yellsome
  • DanikDanik Member Posts: 21
    Ww2 gully all the way just got 6* ww2 been using in war ever since so can't go wrong with ww2
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