Vision (Arkus) immunities

killer7703killer7703 Member Posts: 19
edited January 2020 in General Discussion
I don't understand the reasonings for not making vision immune to coldsnap and frostbite. It clearly says in his info page that he freezes the air around him to deal cold snap to other champions, so shouldn't he be immune to other champs cold snap and frostbite debuffs?


  • killer7703killer7703 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2020
    Good point, but shouldn't he be able to manipulate all cold snaps, not just his own?
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    Iceman is not immune to frostbite or cold snap.. does it make sense, remember this is Kabam version of Marvel contest of champions, they do not always reflect what is known in Marvel Universe.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    I loved Dork Lessons' explanation for Iceman - it's like human flatulence, you can generally handle your own, but someone elses'...?not so much...
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    _ASDF_ said:

    Not necessarily.
    If we go with a fictional point of view here, he affects the area around him, exclusing where he is. Either that or he is immune to his own ability, but not if this one is applied by others

    Exactly... except if he affects the area around him, logically he would be able to effect cold snap from being applied by another champion. Except there is no logic and claiming otherwise is foolish lmao.

    It’s kabam. It makes zero sense. They know that unavoidable damage gets them paid 💥and there are few champs immune to cold snap lol.
    Well you can counter Aarkus with more than just cold snap immunity. Debuff shrugging/tenacity for one. Armor break immunity for two.
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