Would love some tips on 5.4.6 Ultron (Medusa Strategy)

wahlserbwahlserb Member Posts: 33
So i'm having quite a bit of trouble getting Ultron down with Medusa. Her armor shatter ability seems to be the best way to get around this guy, but I'm having a very hard time getting the the right SP1 to get him into that shatter. And Considering my amazing luck, he's always has that damn Power Gain buff waiting to get activated by my stupidity. I can parry, but I'm not the best intercepter. That, combined with a more than usual Ultron evade, I'm spending way too many units on revives when I shouldn't have to. If anyone could msg me personally and walk me through this, or give me some tips that'd be great. It appears my only issue here is my awful luck, but I cold be wrong. My Line and game ID is Eduman20. Thanks!


  • wahlserbwahlserb Member Posts: 33
  • MizeriniMizerini Member Posts: 17
    If you are having trouble, I actually did it with a duped Loki. R5 4* or even a R3 5* will do it. DO NOT parry him until you get to a special 3. Don’t worry about trying to damage him, just worry about staying in the fight until you can get to your SP3. Then hit him with a SP3, then he will be cursed and EVERY buff he would get, you get instead. Then once he is cursed it’s just parry and heavy until another SP3 and rinse and repeat. Challenging but doable👍🏼 Look it up on you tube to see what I mean and save your units😉
  • wahlserbwahlserb Member Posts: 33
    Believe me, I would love to try that, but I don't have a Loki. Not even a 4 star lol. Probably the only champion (along with Ghost) that I don't have. I appreciate the advice though.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    You have to intercept and be cautious of of the 7 second evade. After your fist combo from the beginning of the fight the next combo will likely put you in that 7 seconds chance so use a medium and light attack and quickly back away. Once the evade is gone launch your sp1 and apply armor shatter then the rest is easy. If you get lucky with RNG he procs armor then just fight normally but if he procs fury be careful of block damage. Did mine with a 4* Medusa but had the nick fury and quake synergy so was not afraid of intercepting.
  • wahlserbwahlserb Member Posts: 33
    wow thanks Aomine, that's actually sensational advice. I really appreciate it. Did not know about the 7 second intervals. I'll give it another go.
  • RordogRordog Member Posts: 27
    When I was doing my ch4 exploration, I used a duped nick fury 4* r5. Second phase, 2 sp1 timed to avoid power gain, unblockable and removed Ultron’s evade.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    wahlserb said:

    wow thanks Aomine, that's actually sensational advice. I really appreciate it. Did not know about the 7 second intervals. I'll give it another go.

    You welcome wish you goodluck
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