8M hero rating, 1500+ war rating alliance is looking for skilled players

Who We Are
We are a a team of friendly yet competitive players with global footprint (Asia, Europe and North America). We have players who completed ROL, Road to Labyrinth, Chloe's Warriors of Awesomeness, Dave Bautista's Challenge, and Act 5 Ch 1.

What We do
Below are the events that we focus on.
1. SA (weekly) - ranks 6-20% mostly
2. Completion, Item Use and Duels - gets top milestone rewards
3. AQ - plays map 2 and 5 / ranked in expert tier.
4. AW - tier 3

Who We Are Looking For
- A skilled player - completed master levels of event quests, Chloe quest, Dave Bautista challenge, ROL or RtL
- With at least 3 4* rank 5 heroes or equivalent.
- Experience playing AQ Maps 2 and 5 and AW tier 3
- Line app user

Interested? Feel free to reach out to janicekg (Line app username).
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